Office of the Prime Minister

Tender Notice

Published Date : July 2, 2018


The Office of the Prime Minister invites tenders for the appointment of a Service Provider to conduct a Land Audit within the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.


All companies are invited to visit the Notice’s section on the Government’s website at, or to collect the Terms of Reference for the tender between the hours of 9:30 am – 4:00 pm Monday through Friday from:


Office of the Prime Minister
Cecil Wallace Whitfield Centre
Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas


Office of the Prime Minister seeks the services of a Service Provider to conduct a Land Audit throughout the Commonwealth of The Bahamas in order to establish all land that is owned, leased or licensed for use by the Government.  The Land Audit will build upon the work executed under The Bahamas Land Use, Policy and Administration Project, 2009 (LUPAP).



The Government will engage the Service Provider to conduct the Land Audit which will:

  1. Spatially identify land and give ownership information within the study area in coordination with the Surveyor General;
  2. Conduct a comprehensive assessment of all properties within the study area;
  3. Create a user-friendly GIS database with ownership categories with useful fields that will assist in the planning and packaging of interventions;
  4. Create a Land Audit report (maps, tables and graphs, as applicable) for each island; &
  5. In particular regarding Crown Lands and Treasury Lands, to determine:
    1. What Government Land has been alienated for use by others, either in the form of lease holds, licenses, authorizations, joint ventures and contractual obligations;
    2. What Government Land is presently under commitments to be alienated, either via grant, lease holds or other means which has not yet been perfected;
    3. What Government Land is presently under consideration to be divested either via grant, conveyance, lease or other means which has not yet been perfected; and
    4. Whether Government Land leased to third parties is being used for its agreed upon purpose.


  1. A Land Audit report containing methodology and Land Audit findings and recommendations;
  2. A Land Audit database with Title Documents as applicable and information on structures in the study area, submitted in Microsoft SQL or IBM Data base 2 format;
  3. An A0 map size with an overlay of subject land parcels; and
  4. 2x copies of DVDs/ CDs with GIS spatial datasets (WGS84 ESRI or ITRF shapefiles) of the above.

Bids must be submitted and sealed in an envelope clearly marked: Appointment of Service Provider to conduct a Land Audit within the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. All Tenders must be received no later than 4:30 pm on Friday, 3rd August, 2018, and addressed to:


Chairman, The Tender Board
c/o Acting Financial Secretary
Ministry of Finance
Cecil Wallace Whitefield Centre
P. O. Box N-3107
Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas


No increase, decrease, discount, reduction or any other changes to initial bid price(s) or conditions will be permitted after the opening of bids.  Clarification of bids, as requested by the Office of the Prime Minister, may be accepted provided that the substance and prices of the bid remain unchanged.  


Information submitted becomes the property of the Office of the Prime Minister, who reserves the right to reject any or all bids received.

View the Terms of Reference for the Land Audit

Permanent Secretary

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