Ministry Of Labour Launches $50 Million National Skills-Building Program
Authored by: Ministry Of Labour
Source: Ministry Of Labour
Date: December 5, 2019


NASSAU, BAHAMAS (​ December 5, 2019) -- The Ministry of Labour recently announced the Skills for Current and Future Jobs in The Bahamas, a $50-million, five-year initiative of the Government of The Bahamas and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) designed to increase the employability of Bahamians and better connect job seekers to employers. The Skills for Current and Future Jobs in The Bahamas program will be managed through the Ministry of Labour. 


The research-based program consists of three components: building skills through a nation-wide apprenticeship program, investing in improvements in software, hardware and infrastructure to assist job-seekers with finding the best-matched employers and investing in a robust labour management information system which can monitor the progress of the program and provide enhanced labour market data. 


The first component, the Bahamas Apprenticeship program, was created to meet the needs of employers in high-growth sectors of the economy by providing job seekers between 16-40 years old with the skills needed to find current and future job opportunities. Its objective is to train 1,100 pre-apprentices and 1,350 apprentices. The program is focused on three designated sectors: maritime, medical services and information communication technology (ICT). Each sector will consist of a sector skills council which determines the type of skills and training the apprentices should obtain. 


The Bahamas Apprenticeship program consists of an Apprenticeship Program with structured on-the-job training and related off-the-job training during which participants will learn a skilled occupation and gain an industry-recognized certification. The Pre-Apprenticeship Program, developed for those between 16-26 years old, provides basic math and english skills, soft skills training such as communication and time management and workplace exposure. Graduates of this program will obtain a basic certification and the skills needed to apply for the Apprenticeship Program. 


Building national skills through apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs are a proven method to reduce youth unemployment and to promote sustainable economic growth, especially in industries with a high demand for skilled employees. The Bahamas Apprenticeship program is a key part of the Government’s strategy to develop a skilled labour pool across The Bahamas and increase the possibility of better employment opportunities for Bahamians. 


To find out more information about the Bahamas Apprenticeship Program and to apply for the Pre-Apprenticeship program scheduled to begin in January 2020, please call the Department of Labour on Rosetta Street at (242) 302-2550​ thru to 302-2562.  




Media Contact

Royann Dean 

Communication Strategist 

Skills for Current and Future Jobs of The Bahamas 


Phone : (242) 829-2592

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