Minister Pintard Represents Bahamas At IICA Meeting In Costa Rica
Authored by: Bahamas Information Services
Source: Minister of Agriculture & Marine Resources
Date: July 22, 2019

Minister of Agriculture & Marine Resources, the Honorable Michael Pintard led the Bahamian delegation to the 2019 IICA Thirty-Ninth Regular Meeting of the Executive Committee of which the Bahamas is a member. The Bahamian delegation included Minister Pintard and Agricultural Officer Joan Telle from the Department of Agriculture.


The meeting was held at the headquarters of IICA in San Jose, Costa Rica on the 16 -17 July, 2019.


The Bahamas was selected to preside over the meeting. Minister Pintard chaired the sessions over the two days.


The Executive committee is comprised of the following countries: the Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Honduras, Panama, Peru, St. Kitts & Nevis, St Vincent & The Grenadines; Uruguay, and Venezuela. Argentina, Nicaragua and the United States attended as non-members of the committee along with associated and observer countries and organizations.


The main topics addressed included:


1. Advances in organization of next Inter-American Board of Agriculture

2. Report on the progress of implementation of Hemispheric Technical Programs

3. Formalization of agreements with important partners

4. Discussion of budget 2020-2021 and other financial matters

5. Implementation of IABA's resolutions

6. Matters related to institutions like CATIE, CARDI


Furthermore, Minister Pintard participated in bilateral discussions with Argentina, Brazil, Canada; Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico and USA to create linkages with Latin and North American partners to address crucial needs of the Bahamas.


Minister Pintard sought to garner support through technical assistance, training opportunities; possible investments; grant funding and collaboration on best practices that are strategic to the goals of the Bahamas. The team returns to the capital Thursday July 18th.

Minister Michael Pintard chairs a session of IICA’s Executive Committee Meeting in San Jose, Costa Rica.

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