Department of Statistics
Agency News

All government news and press release are kept online for a period of five years from date of publishing.  Please contact the relevant agency or Bahamas Information Services ( ) for news and press release older than this.

January 30, 2019Labour Market 2018 and NIB Contributions & Benefits 2017Department of Statistics
January 30, 2019All Bahamas CPI (Jan. 2015 - Oct. 2018) & Major Groups CPI Index (March - Oct. 2018)Department of Statistics
January 21, 2019Preliminary Results Labour Force Survey - November 2018Department of Statistics
January 15, 2019Foreign Trade Statistics Quarterly Report 2018 3rd QuarterDepartment of Statistics
December 17, 2018Major Groups CPI Index (Jan. - Sept. 2018) & All Items Indices (Jan. 2015 - Sept. 2018)Department of Statistics
November 14, 2018Occupations & Wages Report 2017Department of Statistics
October 29, 2018CPI All Items Indices (Jan '15 - Aug '18) & Major Groups (Jan - Aug '18)Department of Statistics
October 17, 2018Building Construction Statistics Report for Second Quarter 2018Department of Statistics
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  • Department of Immigration NOTICE - Visitors Extension of Stay
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  • Awarded Public Procurement Opportunities Report
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  • MOHW Consultancy Opportunity - Individual Consultancy to Update the COVID-19 Guidelines
    See details...
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