PM Davis: the church needed in communities 'now more than ever before'
Authored by: Bahamas Information Services
Source: Bahamas Information Services
Date: March 18, 2024

NASSAU, The Bahamas – Prime Minister and Minister of Finance the Hon. Philip Davis said that it was “an honour” for him to be present at the Opening Night of the Church of God of Prophecy's National Conclave 2024, held at the Church of God of Prophecy East Street Tabernacle, on March 13, 2024.

“We gather here, united under the theme, ‘Go Forward’, drawn from the wisdom of Exodus 14:15,” Prime Minister Davis said.  “With Pharoah’s forces behind them and a deep sea of water ahead of them, the command was issued to the people of God to ‘go forward’ in faith, knowing that a way would be made for them, even if going forward required making the impossible possible.

He added:  “This powerful directive reminds us that we too must move ahead with courage, face our challenges head on, and trust in God's guidance.  Will there be difficulties? Yes. We know there will be. Will we sometimes be pushed to our limits? Yes, we know we will be tested. And will we go forward anyway? We are gathered here today to reaffirm our commitment – to say yes, even when things are hard – especially when things are hard – is when our faith must be strongest. In our darkest moments, faith will light the way.”

Among those present were Governor-General Her Excellency the Most Hon. Cynthia Pratt, Chief Magistrate Her Honour Joyann Ferguson Pratt, and Deputy Leader of the Opposition Shanendon Cartwright.

Prime Minister Davis thanked event organisers for “bringing us together so that we can encourage, support, and sharpen one another the way that iron sharpens iron”.

“Acknowledging the importance we play in strengthening each other on the journey provides me with an opportunity to acknowledge the remarkable service of Bishop Franklin M. Ferguson and his wife,” he said.  “Their dedicated leadership and heartfelt ministry have touched many, many lives across The Bahamas and beyond.”

“As Bishop Ferguson prepares to transition from his role, we express our deep gratitude for his years of faithful service,” Prime Minister Davis added.  “His impact will be felt for years yet to come.

“It is through the work of great leaders like Bishop Ferguson that the path forward is opened for the rest of us.”

Prime Minister Davis stated that the church was needed in communities “now more than ever before”.

“We must all come together to do the Lord’s work, for that is the way we can heal broken hearts and broken communities,” he noted.  “We know that when we align our hearts with God’s will for peace and justice – when we unite our voices in prayer – when we trust in God’s grace and his guidance, we will see the collective strength of our faith.”

“However difficult the work, we must never lose faith in our power to make change, and we must never lose faith in one another,” Prime Minister Davis continued.  “This is not blind faith. It is faith in the love and mercy of our God, and in the courage and resolve of our people.”

Prime Minister Davis stated that society needed churches like the Church of God of Prophecy to nurture wisdom and character.

He said:  “We need strong and virtuous men to stand up as role models and mentors, to offer the power of their example.”

“I pray that this Conclave will be a time of spiritual renewal for all,” Prime Minister Davis added.  “May you leave here more connected, more inspired, and more prepared to serve God and our communities with passion and dedication.

“I want to thank you for allowing me to join you, and for sharing in this journey of faith and fellowship. I pray God's continued grace guide your discussions, reflections, and actions as you move forward together.

God bless you and may you have a fruitful Conclave.”



Prime Minister and Minister of Finance the Hon. Philip Davis takes part in the Opening Night of the Church of God of Prophecy's National Conclave 2024, held at the Church of God of Prophecy East Street Tabernacle, on March 13, 2024.  

Among those present were Governor-General Her Excellency the Most Hon. Cynthia Pratt, Chief Magistrate Her Honour Joyann Ferguson Pratt, and Deputy Leader of the Opposition Shanendon Cartwright.  


(BIS Photos/Eric Rose)

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