Bahamas Laws On-Line is a database of consolidated Statutes and  Subsidiary Legislation of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas amended up to 31st December, 2009.

Contents of this web site are provided by the Government of The Bahamas for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. The Government of The Bahamas accepts no liability for actions arising from its use.  Also, this website is not a substitute for PROFESSIONAL OR LEGAL ADVICE.


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Item No Bahamian Short Title    Date Commenced
1974-0018 Bahamas Development Bank Act 29 March 1978
1973-0010 Bahamas Registered Stock Act 28 June 1973
1973-0053 The Bahamas Registered Stock Regulations 28 June 1973
2000-0037 Central Bank of The Bahamas Act 28 December 2000
1974-0054 Currency (Notes and Coins) Order 29 August 1974
1952-0044 Exchange Control Regulations Act 10 August 1952
1956-0058 Exchange Control Regulations 04 May 1956
1964-0337 Exchange Control Regulations (Authorised Dealers) Order 03 July 1964
1956-0220 Exchange Control Regulations (Authorised Officers) Order 30 September 1956
1956-0225 Exchange Control Regulations (Bailees Exemption) Order 30 September 1965
1956-0222 Exchange Control Regulations (Branches and Residence) Order 30 September 1956
1956-0224 Exchange Control Regulations (Collectors’ Pieces Exemption) Order 30 September 1956
1956-0230 Exchange Control Regulations (Declaration by Persons Leaving The Bahamas) Order 30 September 1956
1956-0228 Exchange Control Regulations (Declarations and Evidence) Order 30 September 1956
1956-0221 Exchange Control Regulations (Enforcement) Order 30 September 1956
1992-0080 Exchange Control Regulations (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)) Directions 04 October 1992
1956-0226 Exchange Control Regulations (Import and Export) Order 30 September 1956
1990-0045 Exchange Control Regulations (Iraq) Directions 09 August 1990
1966-0062 Exchange Control Regulations (Lending to Banks Exemption) Order 10 August 1966
1966-0078 Exchange Control Regulations (Payments) Order 31 January 1963
1956-0227 Exchange Control Regulations (Prescribed Securities) Order 30 September 1956
1956-0229 Exchange Control Regulations (Specified Currency) Order 30 September 1956
1956-0223 Exchange Control Regulations (Temporary Visitors Exemption) Order 30 September 1956
2010-0026 Financial Administration and Audit Act 01 October 2011
2000-0041 Financial and Corporate Service Providers Act 28 December 2000
2001-0051 Financial and Corporate Service Providers (General) Regulations 29 March 2001
2001-0050 Financial and Corporate Service Providers (Licence) Order 29 March 2001
2000-0039 Financial Intelligence Unit Act 28 December 2000
2001-0007 Financial Intelligence (Transactions Reporting) Regulations 25 January 2001
2001-0028 Financial Intelligence Unit (Designation of Foreign Financial Intelligence Units) Order 19 March 2001
2000-0040 Financial Transactions Reporting Act 28 December 2000
2009-0014 Financial Transactions Reporting (Wire Transfers) Regulations 20 January 2009
2000-0111 Financial Transactions Reporting Regulations, 2000 28 December 2000
2004-0023 Foundations Act 21 October 2004
2004-0099 Foundations (Fees) Regulations 16 November 2004
2007-0046 Foundations (Winding up) Rules 03 June 2007
1977-0011 Inter-American Development Bank Act 15 June 1977
1985-0012 Inter-American Investment Corporation Act 30 December 1985
1985-0011 International Finance Corporation (Agreement) Act 30 December 1985
1973-0023 International Monetary Fund and World Bank Act 05 July 1973
2003-0020 Investment Funds Act 14 December 2003
2004-0056 Investment Funds (Financial Statements Extension of Time) Rules 18 July 2004
2004-0007 Investment Funds (Prescribed Securities Exchanges and Jurisdictions) Notice 19 January 2004
2003-0099 Investment Funds (SMART Fund) (SFM 001-004) Rules 28 December 2003
2005-0097 Investment Funds (SMART Fund) (SFM005) Rules 15 November 2005
2009-0028 Investment Funds (SMART Fund) Rules, 2009 21 July 2009
2003-0094 Investment Funds Regulations 16 December 2003
1977-0012 Loans (Inter- American Development Bank) Act 15 June 1977
1992-0047 Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency Act 29 December 1992
1991-0008 Public Accountants Act 15 December 1991
1994-0003 Public Accountants (Continuing Professional Education) Regulations 31 December 1993
1993-0033 Public Accountants (Rules of Professional Conduct) Regulations 31 May 1993
1992-0011 Public Accountants Regulations 23 January 1992
1959-0050 Public Treasury Bills Act 02 September 1959
1975-0039 Public Treasury Bills (Rate of Discount) Order 14 May 1975
1960-0049 Treasury Bills Regulations 14 May 1960
2011-0010 Securities Industry Act 30 December 2011
2012-0001 Securities Industry Regulations 09 January 2012
2004-0020 Segregated Accounts Companies Act 28 September 2004
1981-0009 The Bahamas Agricultural and Industrial Corporation Act 03 March 1982
2003-0022 The Bahamas and the United States of America Tax Information Exchange Agreement Act 31 December 2003
2004-0103 The Bahamas and the United States of America Tax Information Exchange Agreement Regulations 16 December 2004


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