Government to Protect Frontline Healthcare Providers and their Families
Authored by: Llonella Gilbert
Source: Bahamas Information Services
Date: April 6, 2020


NASSAU, Bahamas -- Minister of Health the Hon. Dr. Duane Sands said the Government is keenly aware of the heightened vulnerability of health care workers and frontline warriors exposed to the virus when ill persons visit health facilities.


“They also come in contact with asymptomatic carriers or persons who show no symptoms, but are sources of the virus,” Dr. Sands stated as he presented an update on the COVID-19 response in the House of Assembly, Monday, April 6, 2020.


“Interestingly, almost one in five confirmed cases (18 per cent) have been health care workers. Among these confirmed positive COVID-19 health care workers, two have had to be hospitalized.”


He noted that what is more worrisome, is that more than 50 health care workers have been identified as contacts of diagnosed/confirmed cases. These health care workers are currently in quarantine, and are being monitored for the development of symptoms.


“Clearly, if more health care workers are removed from the available pool, there will be no soldiers left to fight the COVID war. We must protect our frontline workers. The best way to do this is to stay at home!”


He said the Government is also mindful that health care workers have families. “No one is safe at home if someone in the house is serving on the frontline. To ease this concern, my Ministry is exploring relief accommodations that can house at least 100 health care workers for a period of time.


“Such accommodations will permit these workers to rest up in between shifts and even take showers before leaving to go home. We plan to give further updates on these accommodations soon.”

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