Morton Salt and BIMAWU Sign Historic Five Year Industrial Agreement
Authored by: Bahamas Information Services
Source: Bahamas Information Services
Date: October 23, 2019


Tuesday, October 22, 2019 – Morton Salt and the Bahamas Industrial Manufacturers and Allied Workers Union (BIMAWU) signed a five year industrial agreement that was witnessed by the Minister of Labour, Senator the Honourable Dion Foulkes at the Department of Labour on Monday, October 21, 2019. The agreement includes wage increase, production bonus, shift premium and holiday pay increases as well as health benefits for workers.


Minister Foulkes who and his team at the Department of Labour presided over the negotiations between Morton Salt and the BIMAWU described the contract signing as historic.


“First of all I want to congratulate both the management and the owners of Morton Salt and the Union at Morton Salt for reaching this historic five year agreement. We had two marathon meetings recently on September 30 and October 1 to bring conclusion to this matter… But we are very happy today that we are able to reach this agreement. This is a good day for the workers of Morton Salt and a good day for the management of Morton Salt,” Minister Foulkes commented.


Minister Foulkes continued, “As you know Morton Salt is the largest employer on Inagua, so it was very essential for the Government, for the workers and management that we reach this agreement for the sustainability of the economy of Inagua. So this is a great day for all in Inagua.”


Mr. Michael Scott Nixon, General Manager of Morton Salt said that Morton Salt Bahamas Limited is committed to fostering a productive relationship with its employees. “We have reached a five year agreement with our Inagua employees. We are proud of our operation in Inagua where we have been operating since 1954 and we are looking to continuing being a part of the community. Again we are more than excited to have reached an agreement with the BIMAWU…” he stated


Ms. Jennifer Brown, President of the BIMAWU stated, “I am more than elated today that we have reached an agreement. It has been almost two years now and the workers are very happy and so are the officers. Now I hope that when we return to Inagua both management and union would work together because if we do not work together although we have a contract it would not work. But, I would encourage my members to do their work. To give the company eight hours work per day an honest day. We would not be doing any loafing and we hope that management would in turn treat all workers fairly…”


Ms. Brown thanked Minister Foulkes, Mr. John Pinder, Mr. Obie Ferguson, Dr. Thomas Bastian, Mr. Freddie Munnings and all of her officers for their assistance.


Mr. Obie Ferguson, President of the Trade Union Congress commented, “I want to also thank the union, officers and the workers for the approach we took in negotiating this agreement. I want to thank the Minister, the management of the company and Mr. John Pinder who I think played a very important role particularly at the ending part…”


Minister Foulkes thanked his team at the Ministry of Labour including Mr. Reginald Saunders, Permanent Secretary Acting and Mr. John Pinder, Director of Labour who were also present for the contract signing.


The Minister of Labour, Senator the Honourable Dion Foulkes at center holds up the new industrial agreement between Morton Salt and the Bahamas Industrial Manufacturers and Allied Workers Union (BIMAWU) at the Department of Labour on Monday, October 21, 2019. Also Pictured is Ms. Jennifer Brown, President of the BIMAWU; Mr. Obie Ferguson, President of the Trade Union Congress; Mr. Michael Scott Nixon, General Manager of Morton Salt and Mr. John Pinder, Dirctor of Labour.


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