The Release of The Bahamas Current Goods and Services Offers in WTO Trade Negotiations
Authored by: Zhivargo Laing
Source: Ministry of Financial Services, Trade & Industry and Immigration
Date: January 25, 2019


When I accepted the post of Chief Negotiator, I committed to the following:

  1. A dogged focus on the promotion, protection and progression of The Bahamas’ interest first;
  2. My most professional and expert service to the Government and people of The Bahamas;
  3. An absolute commitment to openness and collaboration with the private business sector;
  4. A thorough effort to keep the Bahamian public informed of this process every step of the way; and
  5. Only advising of the adoption of membership provided that net gains to our country are secured.

By its representation here today, I believe the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce will confirm our hand-in-hand commitment to openness and collaboration. Today, at the start of this new year, I am pleased to fulfill our commitment to keep the Bahamian public informed of our every step all the way by releasing both the goods and services offers that were put to the WTO members in August of last year. I will also comment broadly on the responses received to that offer by countries; broadly because our negotiations remain live and it would not be in in our interest to disclose the specifics of one country’s offer to us as opposed to another or to dishonor the good faith we must show in the course of these negotiations...


For more on this statement and a copy of the Goods and Services Offers Submitted to the WTO 2018 can be downloaded by CLICKING HERE

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