Youth, Sports and Culture Minister conveys encouragement and hurricane relief funding for GB residents
Authored by: Andrew Coakley
Source: Bahamas Information Services
Date: October 16, 2019


FREEPORT, Grand Bahama -- “We’ve all suffered great loss as a result of the passage of Hurricane Dorian, but we who remain have a purpose to serve and that purpose must be served,” said Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture, the Hon. Lanisha Rolle, during a recent visit to Grand Bahama.


The Minister joined forces with women of Parliament to bring some hurricane relief funding to the people of Grand Bahama – geared to women of Grand Bahama -- during a special dinner at Churchill Restaurant in Grand Lucayan resort on Saturday, October 12, 2019.


Minister Rolle pointed out that while they know everyone on Grand Bahama has been through an ordeal with Hurricane Dorian, as one who has always had a specific focus on empowering women, she felt compelled to raise the relief funding to assist women of the island.


“I came here not by myself as the Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture, but with women of Parliament and we came here to serve a specific purpose and to carry out a specific task,” said Minister Rolle.


“The women of Parliament are here to make a direct monetary donation toward the Grand Bahama hurricane relief effort, in particular to the women of this island. The fact is I’m a woman, I’m a mother, I’m a sister and I will always be concerned about the women.”


The presentation came in the form of a donation of $5,000 to Kelly’s Home Center in Freeport, to provide direct assistance of specific roofing and building supplies to those individuals who suffered damage as a result of the passage of massive Category 5 Hurricane Dorian.


According to Minister Rolle, the distribution of those supplies will be equally shared between the five constituencies in Grand Bahama, with each household allotted a specific contribution towards rebuilding efforts, to ensure as many as possible receive help.


“A distribution report will be completed at the end of this exercise. Why? Because we want this to be the beginning. We want others to follow and do the same. We want to see and hear and know results,” said Minister Rolle. “We trust that the donation and that of all other sponsors will continue to inspire donors to do their part to rebuild the lives and dwelling places of our people.


“This is a start, and an on-going rebuilding initiative that we must see through to the end.”


Travelling to Grand Bahama with Minister Rolle were Senators Mildred Hall-Watson, Jennifer Issacs-Dotson and Annafaye Knowles. They were joined at the dinner by Parliamentary Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister Pakesia Parker-Edgecombe, and Maurice Moore.  


Minister Rolle said there are only 12 women in Parliament and they are a part of an association that is designed to uplift and empower women, to provide their contribution to the growth and development of the country.


“So, it was a natural response for all of us to agree to make a donation to the Dorian relief efforts, for the specific benefit of women, which will lead to benefit all of our children,” she added. “So, today’s contribution is designed specifically for women in Grand Bahama.


Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture, the Hon. Lanisha Rolle (center) makes a presentation of hurricane relief for Grand Bahama, specifically geared towards women of the island. The presentation, which was held on October 12, 2019 at Grand Lucayan, was raised by the women of Parliament.  Joining the Minister in Grand Bahama and at the presentation were Senator Mildred Hall-Watson, Senator Jennifer Issacs-Dotson and Senator Annafaye Knowles. They were joined at the dinner by Parliamentary Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister Pakesia Parker-Edgecombe, Senator Jasmin Dareus, and Maurice Moore.   (BIS Photo/Lisa Davis)


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