PM Minnis Reports on Today's Aerial Tour of Abaco After Hurricane Dorian
Authored by: Bahamas Information Services
Source: Bahamas Information Services
Date: September 3, 2019



NASSAU, The Bahamas -- In a media update today, September 3, 2019 following his aerial reconnaissance of the damage caused by Hurricane Dorian on the island of Abaco, facilitated by the US Coast Guard, Prime Minister the Most Hon. Hubert Minnis reported that the official number of lives lost is now seven, though that number may turn out to be greater. The main centre, Marsh Harbour, including the airport, has been severely damaged.  There has been less impact in the south of Abaco, than the north.  Sixty percent of the homes in North Abaco are damaged.  The information gathering aerial tour was for the purpose of search, rescue and recovery.  The Prime Minister expressed gratitude for offers of assistance from various organizations, local and international; and he asked Bahamians to do what they can to assist with recovery.  (BIS Photos/Patrick Hanna)


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