Minister Dames Congratulates 107 New RBDF Marines
Authored by: Eric Rose
Source: Bahamas Information Services
Date: July 29, 2019


Minister of National Security the Hon. Marvin Dames congratulates the 107 members of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force (RBDF) New Entry 56 and Woman Entry 25 on the successful completion of the Force’s Basic Military Recruit Training Programme, during their Passing Out Parade Ceremony, on July 26, 2019, at HMBS Coral Harbour Base.  (BIS Photos / Eric Rose)


NASSAU, The Bahamas – Minister of National Security the Hon. Marvin Dames congratulated the Royal Bahamas Defence Force (RBDF) New Entry 56 and Woman Entry 25 on the successful completion of the Force’s Basic Military Recruit Training Programme, during their Passing Out Parade Ceremony, on July 26, 2019, at HMBS Coral Harbour Base.


“I commend each of you for your excellent dress and bearing,” Minister Dames said.  “Over the past 17 weeks you endured the rigors of recruit training including an extensive curriculum and achieved multiple qualifications.”


Minister Dames noted that among the qualifications they attained included the following: Swim and First Aid Certifications; Naval Infantry Certifications; Military Martial Arts Grey Belt Certifications; and the Standards of Training, Certification and Watch Keeping (STCW) Certification.


“You responded to your military indoctrination in the same spirit of your motto 'NO QUIT 56, ALWAYS STRIVE 25' and today all 107 of you – 98 males and nine females – have earned the right to be commissioned as Marines.


Minister Dames pointed out the new Marines marked the beginning of their exciting journey as members of the almost 2000 strong, men and women of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force.


“Yours is a noble calling and not for those faint of heart,” he added.  “By the very nature of your role, you place yourself in harm’s way for the benefit of your fellow Bahamians.  Historically, less than one percent of The Bahamas' population has had the privilege of serving in our country’s military and you must be commended for answering the call to national service.”


Minister Dames went further to tell them that their pledge to “Guard Our Heritage” would necessitate the protection of the nation against the transnational threats of human and gun smuggling, poaching, drug trafficking and the potential for maritime and land-based terrorism, and assisting in providing relief to their fellow citizens during times of disaster.


“Moreover, Marines are tied to the sea and I want to caution you about not taking lightly your oath to becoming a part of naval tradition, which by its name alone, requires seafaring,” he said.  “New entrants, as a part of this noble and historic organization, please do not resort to finding excuses to circumvent going out at sea when you are detailed to do so.”


“This trend of seeking secondments to avoid orders at sea, will no longer be accommodated,” Minister Dames added.  “Yes, I am aware that there are some things that must be done internally to ensure equity of treatment across the board.  After having said all of that, however, it remains that Marines ought to be held to the highest standards and must know that their job dictates seagoing.”


Minister Dames noted to the new Marines that they were joining the Defence Force as it approached its 40th Anniversary the following March, and as the organization entered a new era of modernization with the decentralization of its operations.


“This decentralization programme involves restructuring and redevelopment of new strategies and technologies that will enable the Royal Bahamas Defence Force to confront the challenges ahead and effectively execute its mandate in the protection and security of the people of this great nation,” he said. 


Minister Dames stated that The Bahamas Government was committed to supporting the RBDF in its efforts to fulfill its five major strategic goals, over the next several years, for the decentralization of its bases in the northern, central and southern Bahamas.


Those goals, he noted were the transformation of its human capital as a model of excellence in leadership, integrity and achievement; the mobilization of its troops; mobilization of air and sea assets to provide maritime security and assist in times of disaster; the conservation of our environment; and the regeneration of our nation’s youth into productive, responsible and employable citizens.


“Already, the modernization and expansion of its base in Inagua has begun; and mobile container units were purchased by the Bahamas Government as an interim base in Ragged Island,” Minister Dames said.  “This past April, the country’s first ever long range coastal radar – a Kelvin Long Range Coastal Radar – was installed in Inagua to increase RBDF’s maritime domain awareness on this southernmost island by greatly assisting in the detection, tracking and apprehension of those engaged in illicit activities in our waters.”


“This long range radar was generously funded by the US Government and three additional radars are lined up which will also be provided by the US Government,” he added.  “In addition, the Bahamas Government has made provisions for a National Multi-Agency Drone Programme to enhance the reach and professionalism of law enforcement agencies in crime reduction in our country.”


Minister Dames said that, as an archipelagic nation boasting 700 islands and cays and having the largest maritime domain in the region with over 100,000 square miles of water, maritime security remains paramount.  He pointed out that the new Marines are charged with ensuring the nation’s defense through the protection of our sovereignty and territorial integrity.


“We look to you, New Entry 56 and Woman Entry 25 to join your colleagues in preserving future generations of both human and marine resources to ensure a more prosperous Bahamas,” Minister Dames said.  “You are expected to be positive influencers in our Commonwealth through unwavering respect to all and taking pride in yourself and in your organization.”


“Challenge yourselves to be the greatest Entry this Force has seen,” Minister Dames added.  “As you move into your first appointments as commissioned Marines, I therefore encourage you to apply what you have learnt here, to uphold moral principles, and to be personally responsible to your comrades, Bahamians and our nation.”


Minister Dames publicly acknowledged and thanked the families, friends and loved ones who had entrusted the graduating recruits to the RBDF's care and supported their dreams of national service. 


“Each of you of New Entry 56 and Woman Entry 25 stand here today because of their love, continued guidance and support,” he said.  “The Bahamas is grateful for your sacrifice and sacrifices you will make in the future for these young Marines.  God bless.”


“Finally, to the Commander of the Defence Force, Commodore Tellis Bethel, your Executive Team, Officers and Marines involved with the New Entry Training Programme, in particular Training Officer, Senior Lieutenant Origin Deleveaux and his team: Chief Instructor, Chief Petty Officer Maxwell Lloyd, New Entry Training Directors, staff, and all instructors, I commend you on a job well done, and I thank you for the fine mentorship provided to these young Marine Recruits,” Minister Dames added.


“New Entry 56, Woman Entry 25, you can now be called Royal Bahamas Defence Force Marines. Congratulations!  I am proud of you; we are all proud of you.  Go now and serve your country well.   May God continue to bless you and may God continue to bless the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.”




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