Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Public Notice

Four Online Courses from the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
Published Date : January 17, 2018

The first three courses target government officers, staff of intergovernmental/nongovernmental organizations, entry-level and mid-career diplomats in a multilateral setting, private sector specialists, and students whose work relates to the various course subjects. The fourth course targets individuals working in the public or private sector, entry-level and mid-career diplomats, postgraduate students, public-service officials, and staff of nongovernmental organizations.


Course Name: Cultural Diplomacy in a Multipolar World
Date: 19th February – 11th March, 2018
Course Length: 3 Weeks
Price: $500 USD
Overview: This online course examines the role of cultural diplomacy in the 21st century. This course aims to enhance participants’ knowledge regarding the theory and practice of cultural diplomacy.


Course Name: Multilateral Conferences and Diplomacy
Date: 26th February – 25th March, 2018
Course Length: 4 Weeks
Price: $600 USD
Overview: This online course will identify how conferences unfold, name the rules of procedure and their value in advancing delegate objectives, explain the importance of informal consultations, and incorporate other delegations’ strategies.


Course Name: United Nations Protocol
Date: 23rd April – 20th May, 2018
Course Length: 4 Weeks
Price: $600 USD
Overview: This online course provides an overview of United Nations and multilateral protocol practices to guide protocol practitioners who operate within offices of the United Nations.


Course Name: Introduction to the United Nations System
Date: 9th April – 20th May, 2018
Course Length: 6 Weeks
Price: $800 USD
Overview: This online course provides an overview of the United Nations plus its historical, political, and analytical framework for liaising more effectively with United Nations representatives and staff.

Please note the general requirements and points of interest from UNITAR:

2.1 Have a good command of the English Language.

2.2 Be computer literate.

2.3 UNITAR’s minimum hardware and software technical requirements to take their e-learning courses are as follows:

Platform: Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT, ME, XP or superior; MacOS 9 or MacOS X; Linux Hardware: 64 MB of RAM, 1 GB of free disk space

Adobe Acrobat Reader
Adobe Flash Player
Microsoft Office (Windows or Mac) or Open Office

Browser: Internet Explorer 7 or higher; e-learning courses better with Firefox 3.6 or higher
Note that JavaScript, Cookies and Pop-ups must be enabled.

2.4 For the following courses –Cultural Diplomacy in a Multipolar World, Multilateral Conferences and Diplomacy, and United Nations’ Protocol– participants from Least Developed Countries (LDCs) are eligible to apply for a fellowship.

For Further information please contact:
Contact name:Ministry of Foreign Affairs Telephone:(242) 356-5960
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