Bahamas Information Services

Public Notice

East Street Road Paving - Between Gaol Alley and Wulff Road
Published Date : May 22, 2020


The Ministry of Public Works/Bahamix, has scheduled Paving works for East Street between Gaol Alley and Wulff Road.


The road paving work is scheduled to take place over the “lock down” period Saturday May 23rd, and Sunday May 24th, 2020, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. for the two days.


Bahamix will close the road for the proposed paving works and ONLY ACCOMMODATE RESIDENTIAL AND EMERGENCY TRAFFIC.


If you have any queries or concerns, please feel free to contact us at telephone numbers (242) 361-3886 or (242) 341-3886.


Bahamix apologizes for any inconvenience caused.

For Further information please contact:
  • Awarded Public Procurement Opportunities Report
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  • MOHW Consultancy Opportunity - Individual Consultancy to Update the COVID-19 Guidelines
    See details...
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