Public Financial Management and Performance Monitoring Reform Project

Tender Notice

Request for Expressions of Interest for Training and Advisory services
Published Date : October 3, 2017

For a copy of this document click here.


This notice is placed on behalf of The Ministry of Finance for the primary purpose of providing minimum background information regarding the objectives of the PFM/PMR Project to enable interested firms who meet the stated and other criteria to determine their eligibility and respond to this EOI to offer their product and/ or services under the requirements of the project. The Government of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas has received financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) under loan #3340/OC- BH to partially/totally fund the contract cost.


The PFM/PMR project will improve the Financial Management and Performance Monitoring capabilities of the Public Sector. Component I will strengthen institutional capacity to plan, implement and monitor priority government projects resulting in greater efficiency and higher performance. The Government is seeking a consultant to design an institutional change and results-based management framework to facilitate the establishment of a Delivery Unit within the Office of the Prime Minister. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.).


The consultancy is expected to take place over a 12 month period starting December 2017, and a detailed work plan to achieve the deliverables and a timeline for their delivery must be submitted 10 working days after the signing of the contract. The Services activities will be carried out in The Bahamas and the home country of the firm.


The consulting services will focus on strengthening the public sector’s institutional and management capacity through the design of a center of government and delivery function and the facilitation of an intensive hands-on, training programme. The Services will include:

  1. The drafting of a Roadmap and a detailed action plan for the establishment of the centre of government and Delivery Unit;
  2. The production of a report including a proposed plan for the restructuring of the work flow and processes for the approval of key government projects;
  3. The development of delivery strategies and detailed implementation templates and routines for at least five (5) top priorities, including both a public works priority and other priorities (for example, education, citizens security or health results;
  4. The creation of templates for project proposals and monthly monitoring routines and reports for the Prime Minister and for the Cabinet, which must be applicable to all top priorities;
  5. The provision of training programme;
  6. The provision of training and mentorship services; and
  7. A report with recommendations to the Office of the Prime Minister on features and characteristics of the IT tool to be designed for performance monitoring purposes.


The individual for the consultancy will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost Based Selection method procedures set out in the Inter- American Development Bank: Policies for the selection and contracting of consultants financed by the Inter-American Bank (Document GN-2350-9). Note that the Government of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas has the authority to reject any and all proposals without an explanation. Procurement notices will be posted online at

Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours 8:30 am to 4:30 pm EDT. Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by fax, or by e-mail) by 5:00pm, October 25, 2017 to

Tonya Adderley
Project Manager, Public Financial Management/Performance Monitoring Reform Project
Ministry of Finance, Balmoral Club
Sanford Drive, Nassau Bahamas
Tel: 242-604-1010

For Further information please contact:
Contact name:Tonya Adderley Telephone:(242) 604-1010
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