Prime Minister to Open Second Annual GB Technology Summit
Authored by: Andrew Coakley
Source: Bahamas Information Services
Date: November 12, 2018


FREEPORT, Grand Bahama -- Prime Minister, Dr. the Most Hon. Hubert Minnis is expected to be keynote speaker at the opening of the Second Annual Grand Bahama Technology Summit, November 14 to 16, 2018 at the Grand Lucayan.


It marks the second time the nation’s leader has opened the summit -- an indication of his belief in its importance to Grand Bahama and The Bahamas.  The Tech Summit is expected to draw large numbers of local and international participants.


“Our government recognizes that in order for the economy to grow, we must diversify and create other opportunities for Bahamians to be successful,” said Prime Minister Minnis, during the opening ceremonies of a recent Blockchain and Crypto Currency Conference held in Freeport.


“I firmly believe in growing a diverse technology industry sector in The Bahamas, where entrepreneurs can start and grow new technology companies. We must also welcome existing global technology players to move their operations to The Bahamas, which will have a meaningful impact on our economy and can be achieved in a relatively short period of time.”


The Prime Minister pointed out that Grand Bahama is the ideal location in The Bahamas to establish and grow a technology cluster of block chain, and other software companies that can jumpstart the technology industry in The Bahamas.


In spite of the challenges that come with establishing and growing a technology sector, Prime Minister Minnis said The Bahamas is uniquely positioned to quickly become the jurisdiction of choice for technology companies, particularly block chain technology companies, and FinTech solution providers.


“With its close proximity to the United States, its diverse economy and its efficient internet capabilities, Freeport, Grand Bahama is ideal for becoming a Technology Hub,” added Prime Minister Minnis.


The first Tech Summit was considered a success and according to Minister of State for Grand Bahama, Senator Kwasi Thompson, word spread internationally.  “It tells me that we did something right,” said Minister Thompson, adding it has been good to hear of commitments to attend this year’s conference.


Notably, Special Interest Workshops will be free to participants at this year’s Tech Summit.


PM, KEYNOTE SPEAKER – Prime Minister, Dr. the Most Hon. Hubert Minnis was keynote speaker at the First Annual Grand Bahama technology Summit in 2017, and will open the second summit on November 14, 2018.  (BIS File Photo/Lisa Davis)


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