Office of the Prime Minister

Extension of Tender Invitation
Extension - Provision For Tender For Specialized Mapping Equipment
Published Date : January 4, 2019

The Government of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas, through the Office of the Prime Minister, has extended the invitation for Tenders for the provision of SPECIALIZED MAPPING EQUIPMENT for the Department of Lands and Surveys (DoLS).


The Department is seeking the services of qualified companies (Bidders) who can provide the required specialized mapping equipment, inclusive of hardware and software, to meet the needs for the Mapping Section within the DoLS (the “Project”).  


The following requirements are expected of the project:

  • Conducting of a comprehensive Requirements Analysis based on, but not limited to, the  Requirements Definition Document

  • Design & Develop a solution that meets the functional & non-functional requirements of DoLS as determined in the Requirements Analysis exercise.

  • Implement and test all products (hardware and software).

  • Training of end-users and technical staff.

  • Final Executive Summary Report summarizing the scope, approach, results, findings and recommendations in a manner suitable for senior management.

All bidders must go to the “Government Tender and Projects” section on the Government’s website at, for full “Request for Proposal” (RFP) and “Requirements Definitions Documents”.


All bids MUST be received not later than 4:00 p.m. (UTC-05:00 Eastern Time) on 21st January 2019 (the “Bid Due Date”).  The DoLS may in its sole discretion extend the Bid Due Date by issuing an amendment uniformly for all Bidders. Any proposal received after the Bid Due Date shall not be considered and shall be summarily rejected.  


Proposals must be received on or before the Bid Due Date at the Reception Desk, Ministry of Finance, Cecil Wallace-Whitfield Centre, West Bay Street, The Bahamas.


Bidders or their designated representatives are invited to be present for the Tender opening on Tuesday, 22nd January 2019 when the Tenders Board meets at 10:00 a.m.


The Office of The Prime Minister reserves the right to reject any or all tenders.


Submissions shall be addressed to:


Tenders Board, Ministry of Finance
Cecil Wallace-Whitfield Centre,
Cable Beach
P. O. Box N - 3017
Nassau, Bahamas

Labelled:  RFP – The Department of Lands and Surveys – Specialized Mapping Equipment



For Further information please contact:
Contact name:Department of Lands & Surveys Telephone:(242) 502-1200
Telephone:(242) 502-1273
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