Agriculture Minister Holds Zoom with Farmers
Authored by: Betty Vedrine
Source: Bahamas Information Services
Date: January 18, 2022

The voices of farmers throughout the country were heard during a virtual meeting hosted by the Minister of Agriculture, Marine Resources and Family Island Affairs, Hon. Clay Sweeting.  The event was held via Zoom on Monday, 17th January, with approximately 250 in attendance.


During his welcome address, Minister Sweeting, said the event was a part of the government’s commitment to reducing the country’s food bill and to assist farmers in advancing this objective. With the country’s annual import food bill hovering around $1.4 billion, he urged and encouraged both existing and aspiring farmers to partner with the government in bringing this goal into fruition.


“The government is committed to increasing food security as 90% of the food consumed in the country is imported. We believe that farmers can assist in reducing this bill. Currently, we are promoting ‘Buying Bahamian’ and have asked hotels, restaurants and food stores to ensure that at least 40% of their produce is sourced from local sources. The government has committed to source 75% from local agricultural products.”


Mr. Sweeting said that there are several components to the government’s objective of meeting its goal. These include: the creation of a website and social media platforms to link with farmers, public relations campaigns to inform Bahamians, enhancing The Bahamas Agricultural and Marine Science Institute (BAMSI), and incentivizing young persons to enter the farming industry. Additionally, the Ministry is currently working with the Bahamas Agricultural and Industrial Corporation (BAIC) on a state-of-the-art food mill for livestock.  BAIC is also making efforts to further develop the cascarilla industry.


“We must work together to coordinate our resources so that we can feed ourselves, therefore, over the next five years, we are committed to advancing this cause.”


A cross-section of issues and concerns were raised by the farmers, including, challenges with packing houses, which have limited hours and days of operation and limited capacity for refrigeration; need for training; marketing; real commitment from stakeholders such as restaurants, hotels and food stores; proper and adequate land clearing equipment; fair market pricing; and access to funding and duty free allowances. Other concerns raised included security for farms, which face constant burglaries and raccoon and other rodent infestation; and a need for one-stop shops for farmers.


The Minister’s team included: Executive Chairman, BAIC, Leroy Major; Executive Chairman, BAMSI, Senator Hon. Tyrel Young; Parliamentary Secretary, Leonardo Lightbourne and Permanent Security, Phaedra Rahming. The issues raised by the farmers were addressed and discussed, with a promise to follow up and to meet again, as a follow up.



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