National Symbols and Coat of Arms
Authored by: Ministry of National Security
Source: Ministry of National Security
Date: October 30, 2020


The Ministry of National Security wishes to advise the general public that all persons whose dire is to use the National Symbols: the National Flag and/or Coat of Arms or any part thereof including the colours on any articles/things/goods to be produced, distributed, sold or imported in The Bahamas, whether in connection with any business/calling/trade or profession on an annual basis MUST obtain a license or written permission from the Minister of National Security as stated in Section 4. This is in accordance with The Bahamas Flag and Coat of Arms Act (Regulation) Chapter 32. It should be noted that there is a fee of $20 to use each symbol and/or set of the National Flag colours, and all licences are valid from the period 1st January to 31st December of each year.


The pantone colours for the National Flag as approved in April 2006 are: Aquamarine – PMS 3145; Gold – PMS 123 and Black – PMS Standard.  All persons are requested to adhere to the set pantone colours.


All businesses are reminded that Section 9 (1) the Act states: “No flag or any foreign nation shall be flown in The Bahamas unless the National Flag is also flown. In Section 7 Part I 3 (1) it states that “The National Flag shall be flown only between the hours of sunrise and sunset; provided that the Minister may give permission for the National Flag to be flown otherwise during the said hours”.


The public is advised under Sections 3 of the Act that “any person who mutilates, cuts, tears, burns or in any way defaces whether by writing, printing or stamping thereon or otherwise; or by any spoken words insults or brings into contempt or ridicule, the National Flag etc., shall be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both such fine and imprisonment”.


All persons are requested to govern themselves in accordance with the Flag and Coat of Arms Act (Regulation) Chapter 32.

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