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Attendance at Public Functions



In fulfilling social and traditional roles, the Governor-General attends many public functions during each calendar year on the invitation of individuals, community and civic groups or organizations.

Invitations to The Governor-General for such events must be submitted in writing at least three months in advance and must include the following information:

  1. Background information on the event and/or individual, group or organization;
  2. Date, time and venue of the event ;
  3. The role expected of the Governor-General, if any, such as, speech delivery, presentation of awards or special guest;
  4. Expected number of participants/attendees;
  5. Name, postal address, email address and telephone number of the contact person(s).

The letter of invitation, together with printed invitation card, should be sent to the Office of the Governor-General.

The Secretary to the Governor-General will respond in writing indicating whether or not the invitation is accepted. Should the response be positive, the Aide-de-Camp to the Governor-General or an assigned Protocol Officer will discuss all matters relating to the courtesies that are expected to be extended to the Governor-General at the event.

Invitations submitted on a printed card only will not be considered, except for those sent by family and close friends.

It would not be proper to request the Governor-General to adjudicate competitions or to assist in selling tickets for charity or raffles.



The Governor-General always arrives at functions on time. Protocol requires that all guests at any function to be attended by the Governor-General should be in place before her arrival. Failure to do so without a reasonably good excuse is regarded as a sign of disrespect.


Greeting on Arrival 

It is appropriate that the Governor-General be received and greeted at the main entrance of the venue by the Host or other senior official of the organization, and the Host will escort her to the event. It is appropriate that guests be invited to stand as the Governor General enters the room. 

At least one week in advance of the date of the event, the Secretary to the Governor-General should receive a copy of the programme as well as a list of high officials who will attend the function.

Whenever the Governor-General visits exhibitions or similar events, a high official must always be in attendance.


The National Anthem 

On State and other formal occasions, the National Anthem is played when the Governor-General stands in the designated place.



The speakers may first thank the Chairman/Master of Ceremonies, and then address "Your Excellency". Placement on the programme of any remarks to be made by the Governor-General should be discussed with the Secretary to the Governor General as soon as the draft programme is available.


The Governor-General's Attendants

The Governor-General is usually accompanied by an Aide-de-Camp as well as security personnel. Other members of the team may be included depending on the particular event. Information regarding the composition of the Governor-General's attendants will be communicated to the organizers in advance by the Secretary to the Governor-General, Personal Secretary or Aide-de-Camp.

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