

Young Marine Explorers

Young Marine Explorers (YME) mission is to educate and inspire youth to become the leaders needed to address the challenges of The Bahamas. In order to do so, YME has developed a program to address the two underlying causes of environmental degradation. It involves educating, engaging, and inspiring youth through in-depth environmental education and leadership development. The YME program accomplishes this through experiential learning activities complimenting formal classroom lessons. YME experiential learning takes a non-traditional Bahamian approach to education through  activities, games, drama, art, and field exploration. 

The Ocean Classroom provides an interactive learning environment that allow youth to develop their leadership skills  and address prevalent environmental issues while inspiring them to develop solutions to  conservation problems facing The Bahamas.  Each Saturday during the school year students engage in activities that focus on communication, goal setting, presentation skills and identifying personal strengths and weaknesses. The above listed leadership development activities are integrated within environmental excursions such as snorkeling over coral reefs, exploring mangroves or identifying species of the rocky shore.


Discovery Clubs: Explorers and Guardians

Ecosystems. Not marine focused/related. Terrestrial learning and astronomy.
Environment and national park system
Every club chooses 4 topics that they will focus on each year. This allows each club to customize the programme based on their own interests, which includes marine, mangroves and coral ree


Discovery Clubs: Navigators
Navigators is a natural progression for those who have completed the BNT Guardians and Explorers clubs, however it is designed to also welcome any young person who enjoys the outdoors or is interested in learning more about their natural surroundings. As of 2016, this programme included 18 different schools and community-based groups on 5 islands within The Bahamas. There are currently 2 different clubs to choose from under the Navigator programme, Navigators-Marine and Navigators-Terrestrial.


Bahamas Reef Environment Educational Foundation (BREEF)   

BREEF is a non-governmental nonprofit Bahamian foundation concerned with educating our people about the value of and need for conserving our marine environment.

BREEF’s initial efforts focused on raising public awareness among educators, youth, policy-makers and other key stakeholders about ways we impact our oceans ‘for better or worse’. Reaching out to the Ministry of Education, the idea was conceived to host an annual summer training workshop for teachers that would equip them with knowledge, skills and resources to transmit these important stewardship messages to successive generations of Bahamians.  Since the late 1990’s, the annual summer workshop has grown to become the flagship teacher training programme for marine conservation in the country.

BREEF is the leading public advocate on policy issues affecting the marine environment and sustainable fisheries.


Bahamas Protected

Bahamas Protected is a three-year initiative to effectively manage and expand the Bahamian marine protected areas (MPA) network. It aims to support the Government of The Bahamas in meeting its commitment to the Caribbean Challenge Initiative (CCI); a regional agenda where 11 Caribbean countries have committed to protect 20 percent of their marine and coastal habitat by 2020. CCI countries have also pledged to provide sustainable financing for effective management of MPAs.

A collaborative effort between The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Bahamas National Trust (BNT) & Bahamas Reef Environment Educational Foundation (BREEF).


Global Environmental Facility (GEF)

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) was established on the eve of the 1992 Rio Earth Summit to help tackle our planet’s most pressing environmental problems.  Since then, the GEF has provided over $20 billion in grants and mobilized an additional $88 billion in financing for more than 4000 projects in 170 countries.  Today, the GEF is an international partnership of 183 countries, international institutions, civil society organizations and the private sector that addresses global environmental issues.


Atlantis Blue Project Foundation

Create programs to heighten public awareness of the ocean and its

Deliver marine education programs to communities and schools


United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
The United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system, and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment.


Sea to Shore Alliance
S2S is continuing to fulfil the three primary goals upon which we were founded: protecting imperiled aquatic species and habitats through solid science; increasing awareness of coastal issues through public outreach, and building capacity. Impact level: US and The Caribbean


The Perry Institute for Marine Science
The future of our oceans depends on knowledge. The Perry Institute for Marine Science is dedicated to making a difference by protecting our oceans through its scientific research programs and sharing knowledge with the public to encourage action. The information they gather also assists government leaders, decision makers, and conservation groups with the data they need to understand how the oceans work, why they are vital to our existence and, ultimately, how they can be repaired and protected.


Friends of The Environment
Friends of the Environment works to preserve and protect Abaco’s terrestrial and marine environments in order to achieve sustainable living for the wildlife and the people of Abaco.


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

The program was established in 2000 by the Coral Reef Conservation Act to protect, conserve, and restore the nation's coral reefs by maintaining healthy ecosystem function. We focus on impacts from the top three recognized global threats to coral reefs:

  • Climate change (including ocean acidification)
  • Land-based sources of pollution
  • Unsustainable fishing practices

Our major focus is on marine protected areas where we:

  • Work with regional initiatives to build marine protected area networks and enhance local management capacity to support coral reef conservation and the people that depend on them;
  • Develop tools and practices to more effectively observe, predict, communicate, and manage the impacts from a changing climate; and
  • Strengthen local and national capacity to reduce the impacts of fishing and pollution on coral reef ecosystems.


Bahamas Agriculture & Marine Science Institute (BAMSI)
The Bahamas Agriculture and Marine Science Institute (BAMSI) hosts an annual summer camp for high-school students throughout The Bahamas. The summer programme is designed to expose students to the BAMSI college, its various programmes, and familiarize them with the scope of the farm operations. The sessions are comprised of mini-lecturers, labs and field exercises in agriculture and marine science.


Bahamas Marine Mammal Research Org (BMMRO)

To conduct scientific field studies in the Bahamas to increase the understanding of species' biology and conservation needs.

To disseminate results that raises awareness and appreciation of marine mammals in the Bahamas and ultimately influences policy makers.

To remain a small professional non-profit organisation, proportional to the needs of the Bahamas.


Department of Marine Resources

The Department of Marine Resources is primarily responsible for the administration, management, and development of fisheries in The Bahamas. The department was created to administer, manage, and develop the fisheries sector as stipulated by the Fisheries Resources (Jurisdiction and Conservation) Act. The department is also tasked with enforcement of Fisheries Regulations, Marine Mammal Regulations and the Seafood Processing and Inspection Regulations.


Science and Conservation of Fish Aggregations

SCRFA provides scientific and practical management information on marine fish aggregations to improve their protection and enhance their resiliance. Our methods manual, case studies, research and outreach all contribute to a better understanding of aggregations and the need to manage them.

Our Directors work globally in academic institutions, NGOs and government, and participate in international committees and at conferences and workshops to promote responsible stewardship of fish aggregations. We also provide training and support, and guide research. Ongoing projects involve engagement in the Asia-Pacific, Indian Ocean and the Caribbean.


The Nature Conservancy (Bahamas)
The Nature Conservancy and its partners are working in The Bahamas to create a network of marine managed areas to protect important habitats and replenish fish, conch, and lobster populations—keeping these coastal environments healthy for the tourism industry, fisheries and recreational use. The Conservancy is working closely with the government to improve fisheries and coastal management, and also providing scientific advice to help identify important ecosystems in The Bahamas so that the best protection measures can be established.


Bahamas Maritime Cadet Corps
BMCC is a program instituted under the Ministry of Transport and Aviation, to introduce and prepare high school students of grade 10 through 12 for employment in the maritime industry. Course include : seamnship, navigation, rules of the road, basic fire fighting etc.
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