Gift to The Government


  • Applicant must be forwarded through a government agency
  • Application should include organization, person(s) donating the "Gift to Government"
  • Any gift value $50K must be approved by the Minister of the government agency forwarding the request
  • Any gift value $50k - $250k must be approved by the Minister of Finance
  • Any gift value over $250k must be approved by the Cabinet of The Bahamas


FAQ & Answers


Q. How can I donate $50k to assist with the less privileged in the family island?
A. You must inform the Ministry of Social Services of your monetary donation.


Q. Am I limited on items to donated with regard to the quantity or pricing?
A. No, and monetary amount over $250k must be approved by the Cabinet of The Bahamas. If its clothing, food, building material or other donations you must show proof of donated items and the organization to whom it is to be donated.


Q. Is this concession available for Family Island Residents?
A. Yes


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