Taxi, Livery/Tour Car/Omnibus


  • Fill out application
  • Application must be stamp by RTD (Franchise Unit)
  • Current Franchise Letter
  • Copy of ID e.g..Passport, Drivers Licence or N.I.B.
  • Current Business Licence
  • Current Tax Compliance Certificate
  • Invoice, VIN #, Serial #


FAQ & Answers


Q. What is the process Tax/Livery/Tour car/Omni Bus to apply for this type of concession?
A. A franchise letter, issued by the RTD, Business Licence, Tax Compliance Certificate (TCC) and invoice


Q. How old should the Vehicle be?
A. Vehicle cannot be older than three (3) years


Q. How long would it take to receive an approval?
A. Approval is granted within 24-48 hours.


Q. How often can I get an approval?
A. Once every five (5) years.


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