Registration is required for plant establishment.

a.Granting a registration of plant establishment is a pre-requisite of applying for a business license.


All plant establishment owners.


Farmers must complete the required form.

  1. Make an application to BAHFSA’s office or electronically.
  2. Pay the prescribed fee.
  3. Facility will be inspected by a phytosanitary officer prior to approval.
  4. Once conditions are satisfied, registration will be granted.
  5. Application can then be made for a Business License


Application Form(s) 

Application for Registration of a Plant Establishment can be found at

Supporting Documents 

Supporting documents for are listed on BAHFSA’s website.

Turn-around time 
Provided all required supplementary documents are received, registration is completed within 30 days.
BAHFSA requests complete application form along with supporting documents within 15 days from initial consultation with client. Once application form with attendant relevant documents are received, registration is completed within 30 days.
Related Fee(s) 

Plant establishment registration fees: $100 non-refundable  

For more information please contact 

For more information please contact 

The Bahamas Agricultural Health & Food Safety Authority (BAHFSA)
1000 The Source River Centre

Bacardi Road
P.O. Box
Nassau, New Providence
The Bahamas
Tel. (242) – 604-7000
Fax. (242) -
Opening hours: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday,

Complaints Process

1.If customer has a complaint, he/she should contact BAHFSA’s office at 604-7000 or

2. If customer is not satisfied with service or has a dispute he/she should contact the Executive Director’s Office at 604-7000 or email:


Related Services



Agency Contact Info
Agriculture and Marine Resources, Ministry of

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