Statement by the Governor General on the Passing of the Hon. Arthur Dion Hanna
Authored by: His Excellency Sir Cornelius A. Smith, GCMG
Source: Office of the Governor-General
Date: August 4, 2021


I join Bahamians everywhere as we mourn the passing of The Honourable Arthur Dion Hanna, O.N., (Order of the Nation) Former Deputy Prime Minister and Governor General of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. Arthur Dion Hanna was a Bahamian patriot and one of our Nation's finest sons. He served The Bahamas with distinction for over three decades.


Bom in Pompey Bay Acklins, from humble beginnings, he entered front line politics in 1956 and remained a dominant figure on the Bahamian political landscape until his retirement. He was instrumental in all major political and constitutional achievements including Universal Adult Suffrage, Majority Rule, Internal Self-government and Independence. He was a leading architect in the development of the modern Bahamas.


A lawyer by profession, he sacrificed his law practice to participate fully in the struggle, advancement, and empowerment of the Bahamian People. A humanitarian, Arthur Dion Hanna spent his entire life in the upliftment of the disenfranchised, the poor, and the dispossessed. It was his lifelong mission to wipe the tear from the eyes of every Bahamian.


He served as a Member of Parliament for over thirty-two years and did so with honesty, integrity, high ethical standards, moral principles and left a standard to be emulated by those who follow him in public life.


A fierce Nationalist of the first order, he ushered in the concept of Bahamianization which was largely responsible for the creation of a Bahamian middle class. He believed strongly in the principle of self-sufficiency and encouraged Bahamians to build our nation with their own two hands. His contributions to the orderly development of his beloved Bahamas was monumental.


His final act of a long and distinguished service to his country was his exemplary service as the seventh Governor-General of an Independent Bahamas, a role he performed with dignity and pride and with a common touch which won him the hearts and admiration of all Bahamians.


On behalf of my wife Clara and on my own behalf and indeed the People of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas I extend my sincerest condolences to his children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and siblings.


May his soul rest in peace.

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