Policy Frameworks for Government Guarantees and Lending
Authored by: Ministry of Finance
Source: Ministry of Finance
Date: November 2, 2023

On November 2, 2023, the Ministry of Finance published two policy frameworks to guide the granting of government lending and guarantees, in keeping with the requirements under sections 37 and 42 of the Public Debt Management Act, 2021.
The Rt. Hon. Philip Davis, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance for The Bahamas states, “The provision of loans and guarantees by the government to in-scoped entities represents a fiscal risk to the government should they fail to honour these obligations which should be properly managed if we are to achieve fiscal resilience and public debt sustainability. 

The Financial Secretary adds, “It is prudent, therefore, for the government to establish frameworks that would clearly define eligibility requirements, the decision making process to be used in granting guarantees and loans, the risk mitigation measures to be employed by the government, and those important post-decision follow-ups to ensure proper monitoring, recording and reporting of these activities”.
The Ministry of Finance is grateful to the Commonwealth Secretariat for its assistance in the preparation of these documents, as part of the deliverables under the ongoing technical assistance programme aimed at strengthening the governance framework for public debt management in The Bahamas.

In keeping with the government’s commitment to accountability and transparency in fiscal governance, the Ministry of Finance invites all stakeholders to view these documents at the national Budget Website (www.bahamasbudget.gov.bs)


Download: Bahamas Policy Framework for Lending 2023

Download: Bahamas Policy Framework for Guarantees 2023

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