Department of Statistics Tidbits


Do you know that in 1901 the population per square mile in New Providence was 157 persons and by 2010 it increased tremendously to 3,709 persons?


Do you know that 70% of the population of The Bahamas lives on New Providence?


Do you know that 53% of the population does not have health insurance?


Do you know that the 2010 Census results show that 65% of the population three years of age and over has access to the internet?


Do you know that from the mid seventies to present that more than 50% of all births in the country were to unwed mothers?


Do you know that females under the age of twenty are responsible for approximately 10% of total births in The Bahamas?


Do you know that in The Bahamas deaths due to HIV/AIDS have declined tremendously from 17% of all deaths in 1999 to 5% in 2010?


Do you know in The Bahamas for the past several years the youth unemployment rate has been over 30%?


Statistics Act

  • It is an offense for any person, without lawful excuse, to refuse or neglect to answer, or willfully answer falsely, any question required for completion of a Survey form or schedule.
  • The disclosure of information collected by employees of the Department is prohibited.
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