The great outdoors, its benefits and value -- vocalized by Environment and Natural Resources Minister to Akhepran Academy students
Authored by: Kathryn Campbell
Source: Bahamas Information Services
Date: January 30, 2023


The Hon. Vaughn Miller, Minister of the Environment and Natural Resources addresses Akhepran International Academy, January 24th, 2023 in recognition of International Day of Education and International Environmental Education Day.


NASSAU, The Bahamas – The Hon. Vaughn Miller, Minister of the Environment and Natural Resources, appealed to students and faculty of Akhepran International Academy to take care of the environment. 


“When you see physical damage being done against [the] environment we must act. Illegal dumping, littering and the pollution of waterways -- things we regularly see throughout our neighbourhoods should offend you. When you see policies enacted that are detrimental to the environment you must speak up. We all bear responsibility to ensure that our environment stays healthy and productive, for ourselves and those we leave behind,” said Minister Miller.


In recognition of International Day of Education and International Environmental Education Day (January 24th and 26th, 2023 respectively)  Minister Miller joined the Bahamas Chapter of Caribbean Youth Environment Network at Akhepran International Academy’s Environmental Education Assembly, January 24th, 2023.  The theme for the assembly was “To Invest in People: Prioritize Education."


He said, “Many of you are afraid of the outside.  Bees, frogs and snakes scare you. Instead, you have turned to screens for learning and entertainment. However, I assure you that if you were to venture into the great outdoors, learn, and play outside, a whole new world would open itself up to you. There you can watch the pollination process at work; see the food chain in practice and begin to understand your place in the entire ecosystem. Take the concepts that you learn indoors and apply them to the outdoors. Your teachers would be impressed.


“Humans were placed on this planet to be stewards of the creation. However, there are some of us who think that means that we can do what we want with it and to it. But that is not so. We are to take care of the creation and each other. As you learn more, teach more. Get connected through your school and community to increase the understanding of environmental issues in your communities and take action. Each of us can make an impact.”


International Environmental Education Day is observed globally with the objective of improving the relationship between humans and nature. World Environmental Education Day is dedicated to raising awareness about climate change and sustainability.


Dr. Jacinta Higgs, principal Akhepran International Academy, speaks at the International Day of Education and International Environmental Education Day assembly at Akhepran International Academy, Bernard Road.

Scenes from International Day of Education and International Environmental Education Day recognized at Akhepran International Academy’s special assembly.

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