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All Contacts
Agriculture and Marine Resources, Ministry of
Out Island Traders Building
East Bay St
(242) 397-7400
Disaster Preparedness, Management and Reconstruction, Ministry of
Manx Dockendale Corporate Centre
Third Floor
(Campbell Maritime Centre)
West Bay Street
Economic Affairs, Ministry of
3rd Floor Campbell Maritime Centre
West Bay Street
(242) 328-5071-6
Education and Technical and Vocational Training, Ministry of
University Drive
(242) 502-2700/4
Energy and Transport, Ministry of
Manx Dockendale Corporate Centre (3rd Floor)
(Campbell Maritime Centre)
West Bay Street
(242) 328-2701/5 or 397-5501
(242) 328-2700 (Local Government)
Environment and Natural Resources, The Ministry of
Charlotte House (2nd Floor),
Shirley & Charlotte Street
(242) 322-6027 or 322-60005/6
Finance, Ministry of
Cecil Wallace-Whitfield Centre
West Bay Street
(242) 327-1530/7 or 702-1500
Foreign Affairs, Ministry of
Goodmans Bay Corporate Center (2nd Floor),
West Bay St.
(242) 356-5956/9 or 356-5960
Governor-General, Office of the
Government House
Mount Fitzwilliam
(242) 322-1875/6 or 356-0254/5
Grand Bahama, Ministry for
Harold De'Gregory Complex (4th Floor)
East Mall Drive
(242) 352-8525/6
Health and Wellness, Ministry of
Poinciana Building
Meeting & Augusta Street
(242) 502-4700 or 502-4877
Housing and Urban Renewal, Ministry of
Charlotte House, Charlotte Street
242 323-3333/4
242 -302-5816
Immigration and National Insurance, Ministry of
Labour and Immigration, Ministry of
Charlotte House (1st Floor)
Charlotte Street North
(242) 322-3105 or 397-0700
Local Government, Department of
Campbell Maritime Centre / Manx Corporate Centre
(242) 326-4146, (242) 328-2700
National Security, Ministry of
Sir Orville A. Turnquest Building
John F. Kennedy Drive
(242) 502-3300, 356-6792/3 or 356-4400/3
Office of the Attorney General & Ministry of Legal Affairs
Paul L. Adderley Building
18 John F. Kennedy Drive
(242) 502-0400 or 322-1141/4
Prime Minister, Grand Bahama, Office of the
Harold DeGregory Complex
East Mall Drive
(242) 352-8525/6
Prime Minister, Office of the
Sir Cecil Wallace Whitfield Centre
(242) 327-5826/8 or 702-5500
Public Service, Ministry of
Poinciana Hill
Meeting Street
(242) 502-7200
Social Services, Information and Broadcasting, Ministry of
Aventura Plaza
John F. Kennedy Dr. & Bethel Ave.
(242) 397-8600
Social Services, Ministry of
Post Office Building (2nd Floor)
East Hill Street
(242) 323-7814/5
(242) 323-7547
(242) 322-3348/9
Tourism, Investments and Aviation, Ministry of
Centre of Commerce, British Colonial Hotel, Suite 303
(242) 302-2000
Works and Family Island Affairs, Ministry of
John F Kennedy Drive
(242) 322-4830/9 or 302-9500
Youth, Sports and Culture, Ministry of
Thompson Blvd
(242) 502-0600/5
Agriculture, Department of
Darville's Business Complex
Gladstone & Munnings Rd.
(242) 325-7413, (242) 397-7450
Archives, Department of
Mackey St.
Auditor General, Office of the
First Terrace (off Collins Avenue)
Bahamas Department of Correctional Services
Fox Hill
Office of the Commissioner of Corrections: (242)-364-9802
Office of the Deputy Commissioner of Corrections: (242)-364-9860
Operator: (242)-364-9800/364-9807
Public Relations Department: (242)-364-9875
Bahamas Information Services
Monarch Building
Bay Street
Bahamas Information Services Grand Bahama
Mall Drive
(242) - 352-8525
Bahamas National Drug Council
#11 Eugene Cooper Building, Village Road,
(242)325-4633 / 4
Bahamas National Geographic Information Systems (BNGIS) Centre
2nd Floor The Professional Centre
East Bay Street
(242)- 604-2026
Bureau of Womens Affairs
Frederick House
Frederick St
Business Licence - Valuation Unit
Ground Floor Charlotte House
North Charlotte & Shirley Streets
(242) 325-2233/325-1171/325-2126
Cabinet Office
2nd Floor, Trade Winds Building,
Bay St, Nassau N.P, The Bahamas
(242) 322-3220/8 or 322-2805/8 or 397-7000
Civil Aviation, Department of
Teacher & Salaried Workers Cooperative Credit Union Ltd. (TSWCCUL)
Business Complex
East Street & Independence Drive
Consular Division
East Hill Street
or (242)397-9300
Consumer Affairs
National Insurance Board Building
Wulff Road
Cooperatives Development, Department of
Traders Building
East Bay St.
(242) 397-7400
Court of Appeal
3rd & 4th Fl Claughton House
Shirley & Charlotte Streets
(242) 328-5400
(242) 328-5401
(242) 323-4388
(242) 323-4481
Culture, Department Of
Thompson Blvd.
(242) - 356-2691/2
Customs Department
Customs House
Thompson Blvd.
(242) 604-3124 or 604-3125
Education, Department of
University Drive
Environmental Health Services, Department of
Farrington Road
(242) 322-8037
(242) 323-2295
Fire Services
East Street
(242) - 322-1225/302-8404
Forestry Unit
Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources
Ground Floor, Charlotte House
Shirley & Charlotte Streets
(242) 322-4546
Gender and Family Affairs, Department of
Aventura Plaza,
JFK Drive and Bethel Avenue
(242) 397-8600/35
Government Printing, Department of
Old Trail Road
(242) 393-1902
Government Publications
Bay Street
(242) - 322-2410
Royal Victoria Gardens
(242) - 323-5968
House of Assembly
Parliament Square
(242) - 322-2041-2
Housing, Department of
Charlotte House, Charlotte Street
242-323-3333/4, 242-302-5816
Housing, Department of - Abaco
Marsh Harbour
(242) - 367-2157
Housing, Department of - Grand Bahama
National Insurance Building
(242) - 352-3630
Immigration, Department of
Hawkins Hill
(242) - 322-8504
Information and Communication Technology, Department of
Cecil Wallace Whitfield Centre
West Bay Street
(242) 322-4151, 397-0050
Internal Audit, Office
Cecil Wallace-Whitfield Centre
West Bay Street
Judiciary, Office of the
Supreme Court
Bank Lane
(242) 325-2836/8,
Labour, Department of
Rosetta Street
(242) 302-2550 thru to 302-2562
Lands and Surveys, Department of
Bay & Armstrong Sts
(242) - 502-1200
Law Reform and Revision Commission
3rd Floor British American Building
Navy Lion Road and Marlborough Street
(242) - 502-0400
Marine Resources, Department of
East Bay
(242) - 393-1777
Meteorology, Department of
Bahamas Department of Meteorology
Teachers & Salaried Workers Co-operative Credit Union's BusinessComplex
East Street
Administration or Climate Section
(242) 356-3734 or 36 or 38
Forecast Officer
Upper Air Section
Freeport Administration
(242) 225-3602
Freeport International Airport
(242) 351-2019
National Anti-Drug Secretariat
Churchill Building 3rd Floor
(242) 502-3300/3377
National Emergency Management Agency(NEMA)
Gladstone Road south of Aquinas College
(242) - 322-6081/5
National Health Insurance
Teachers and Salaried Workers Union Building
East Street & Purpose Way
(242) 502-7601
National Recovery and Reconstruction Unit
(Office of the Prime Minister)
Penn's Building Square Building
Harold Road
(242) 323-4281
Office of The Public Defender
#25 Marlborough Street, West Bay Street
(242) 326-0132
(242) 326-0120
Parliamentary Commissioner, Office of the
Farrington Road
(242) - 397-2000/1
Parliamentary Registration Department
Farrington Road
(242) 397-2000/1
Passport Office
Basden Building
Thompson Blvd.
Physical Planning, Department of
J F K Drive
(242) - 322-7550/2
Port Department
East Bay Street Shopping Plaza
Nassau Office :(242)302-0200
Abaco Office :(242)367-0041
Freeport Office :(242)352-9167
Post Office Department
Town Centre Mall
(242) - 322-3344
Post Office Department - Grand Bahama
(242) 348-2770 Eight Mile Rock
(242) 352-9371 Freeport
(242) 353-7007 Hunters
(242) 346-6130 West End
(242) 353-4058 High Rock
Princess Margaret Hospital
Shirley Street
Public Health, Department of
Royal Victoria Gardens
(242) - 328-1149
Public Prosecutions, Department of
3rd Floor Post Office Building
(242) - 322-1141
Public Service Modernization Unit
Cecil Wallace Whitfield Centre
West Bay Street
(242) 327-5826/8 or 702-5500
Public Works, Department of
John F Kennedy Drive
(242) - 322-4830/1
Registrar Generals Department
Shirley House
#50 Shirley Street
(242) - 397-9143-58
Rehabilitative/Welfare Services, Department of
Thompson Blvd.
(242) - 322-6317/8
Road Traffic, Department of
Clarence Bain Building
(242) 325-3323
(242) 325-6511
(242) 325-6519
Royal Bahamas Defence Force
Coral Harbour Base
(242) 362-1818
Royal Bahamas Police Force
East Hill Street
(242) - 322-4444
Royal Bahamas Police Force - Grand Bahama
Gerald Bartlette Police Headquarters
Mall Road, Freeport
(242) - 352-5048, 350-3021
Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre
Fox Hill
(242) - 364-9600
Social Services, Department of
Sunshine Plaza,
Baillou Hill Road
(242) 604-4200/1
Sports, Department of
Thompson Blvd
(242) 502-0605
Statistics (Nassau), Department of
Bellagio Plaza, Palmdale
(242) 604-4000
Statistics (North Bahamas Branch), Department of
Government Complex
Mall Drive
(242) 602-9030
Supreme Court
Bank Lane
(242) - 322-3315
Trafficking In Persons Secretariat
Orville Turnquest Building,
John F. Kennedy Drive
(242) 502-3328 or 502-3361
Treasury Department
Public Treasury Building
Intersection of East Street and North Place
Opposite Police Headquarters
(242) - 322-4561
Urban Renewal Commission
6th Floor, Centreville House
No. 3 Second Terrace West
(242) 502-4450
VAT Bahamas
Value Added Tax Unit
Gladstone Freight Terminal (Nassau)
Regent Center East Suite A 2nd Floor (Freeport)
East Mall Drive and Explorers Way
(242) 461-8050, (242) 225-7280 (VAT Hotline) - Nassau
(242) 352-8610/12/13 - Freeport
Youth, Department of
Thompson Blvd
19CCEM Conference Secretariat
19th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
(242) 502-8201, (242) 323-2692
41st Regional CPA Conference Secretariat
Parliament Square
(242) 322-2041/2
Airport Authority
Lynden Pindling International Airport
Auditor General, Office of the
Norfolk House
Frederick Street
First Floor
(242) 322-2521, (242) 323-8939
Bahamas ACP Secretariat
East Bay Street
P.O. Box N-3028
Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas
Office Hours: EDT 9:00 - 17:00
(242) 397-7400
Bahamas Agricultural & Industrial Corporation (BAIC)
BAIC Head Office & Training Center
Old Trail Rd.
(242) 396-3725/6
(242) 699-1118 (Abaco)
(242) 329-2833 (Andros)
(242) 335-0416 (Eleuthera)
(242) 336-3403 (Exuma)
(242) 352-1888 (Freeport)
(242) 331-2202 (San Salvador)
Bahamas Agricultural Health and Food Safety Authority (BAHFSA)
99 Crawford Street
(242) 604-7000
Bahamas Bureau of Standards and Quality (BBSQ)
The Source River Centre
1000 Bacardi Road
(242) 362-1748-55
Bahamas Development Bank
Cable Beach, West Bay St.
(242) 702-5700 (Nassau)
(242) 352-9025/6 (Freeport)
Bahamas Electricity Corporation (BEC)
Blue Hill & Tucker Road
Bahamas Environment Science and Technology Commission (BEST)
Manx Corporate Center
2nd Floor West Wing
West Bay Street
Bahamas Investment Authority
2nd Floor Sir Cecil Wallace Whitfield Centre
West Bay Street
(242) 327-5826-8,
(242) 702-5500-3
Bahamas Maritime Authority
Shirlaw House
226 Shirley Street
(242) 356-5772
Bahamas Mortgage Corporation
Russell Rd, Oakes Fld
(242) 326-5100
Bahamas Technical & Vocational Institute (BTVI)
Old Trail off Soldier Road
(242) 502-6300
(242) 393-2804/5
Bahamas Trade Commission
The Ministry of Economic Affairs
Campbell Maritime Centre
West Bay Street
(242)328-5071 to 76
Bahamasair Holding Ltd
Windsor Field
Bank of The Bahamas Limited
Claughton Hse., Shirley & Charlotte St.
(242) - 397-3000 (Head Office)
Broadcasting Corporation of The Bahamas
Harcourt (Rusty)
Bethel Drive
(242) - 502-3800
Cellular Liberalisation Task Force
Cellular Liberalisation Task Force
Teachers and Salaried Workers Co-operative Credit Union Business Complex
East Street South
(242) 322-1432 / 326-0347 / 325-5320
Central Bank of The Bahamas
Frederick St.
(242) - 322-2193
Compliance Commission
Poinciana House
#34 East Bay Street
(242) 604-4332
Data Protection Commissioner, Office of the
31A Poinciana House
North Building
East Bay Street
(242) 604-1001
Financial Intelligence Unit
3rd Floor, Norfolk House
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), The
Gaming Board for The Bahamas
Centreville House
Second Terrace & Collins Avenue
(242) 397-9200
Hotel Corporation of The Bahamas
Bolam Building
George Street
(242) - 302-2000
Insurance Commission of the Bahamas, The
3rd Floor Charlotte House
Charlotte & Shirley Streets
Licensing Authority
Frederick Street
Maritime Matters
3rd Floor, Manx Corporate Centre,
West Bay St
(242) 397-5501
Nassau Flight Services
Nassau International Airport
(242) 702-7308
National Insurance Board, The
Jumbey Village
Bailou Hill Rd.
(242) - 502-1500
Office of The Director of Public Prosecutions
3RD Floor Charlotte House
Shirley/Charlotte Streets
(242) 302-0600
Public Financial Management & Performance Monitoring Reform
Third Floor Balmoral Club,
Sanford Drive
(242) 604-1010
Public Hospitals Authority
Third & West Terraces, Centreville
(242) - 323-7750
Securities Commission of The Bahamas
3rd Fl. Charlotte Hse
Shirley & Charlotte Sts
(242) - 397-4100
The Bahamas Telecommunications Company Ltd (BTC)
J. F. K. Drive
University of The Bahamas, The
Oakes Field
(242) - 302-4300
Utilities Regulation & Competition Authority (URCA)
Fredrick House
Fredrick Street
Water & Sewerage Corporation
38 University Drive
Abaco Administrator's Office - Coopers Town
Cooper's Town
(242) 365-0000/3, 225-0309 (vibe), 881632683581 (satelite)
Abaco Administrator's Office - Grand Cay
Grand Cay
(242) 353-1306
Abaco Administrator's Office - Great Guana Cay
Great Guana Cay
(242) 365-5057
Abaco Administrator's Office - Green Turtle Cay
Green Turtle Cay
(242) 365-4211, (242) 365-4497, (242) 225-0309 (vibe) 881632683581 (satellite)
Abaco Administrator's Office - Hope Town
Hope Town
(242) 366-0600
Abaco Administrator's Office - Marsh Harbour
Don Mackey Blvd
(242) 699-0000/1/2, (242) 225-2996 (vibe), 881632725462 (satellite)
Abaco Administrators Office - Moore's Island
Moore's Island
(242) 366-6316, (242) 2554308 (vibe)
Abaco Administrators Office - Sandy Point
Sandy Point
(242) 366-4001/4, (242) 366-4035, 881632730169 (satellite)
Acklins Administrator's Office - Mason's Bay
Masons Bay
(242) 344-3250/1, (242) 344-3275, 881632730227 (satellite)
Andros Administrator's Office - Fresh Creek
Fresh Creek
(242) 368-2010, (242) 368-2185, (242) 225-1067 (vibe), 881632727621 (satellite)
Andros Administrator's Office - Mangrove Cay
Mangrove Cay
(242) 369-0331, (242) 369-0030, (242) 225-1837 (vibe), 881632730193 (satellite)
Andros Administrator's Office - Nicholls Town
Nicholls Town
(242) 329-2278, (242) 329-2608, (242) 225-4705 (vibe), 881632727634 (satellite)
Andros Administrators Office - Kemp's Bay
Kemp's Bay
(242) 369-4567/8/9, (242) 225-2713 (vibe), 881632681807 (satellite)
Berry Island Administrator's Office - Bullocks Harbour
Bullocks Harbour
(242) 367-8291, (242) 225-3583 (vibe), 881632727640 (satellite)
Bimini Administrator's Office - Alice Town
Alice Town
(242) 347-3222, 881632727593 (satellite)
Cat Island Administrator's Office - Arthur's Town
Arthur's Town
(242) 354-2043, 881632725526 (satellite)
Cat Island Administrator's Office - New Bright
New Bight
(242) 342-3031/2, 881632725526 (satellite)
Crooked Island & Long Cay Administrator's Office - Colonel Hill
Moss Town
(242) 344-2197, (242) 225-4125 (vibe), 881632727677 (satellite)
Eleuthera Administrator's Office - Harbour Island
Harbour Island
(242) 333-3031, (242) 255-9887 (vibe)
Eleuthera Administrator's Office - Governor's Harbour
Governor's Harbour
(242) 332-2112/3/6, (242) 225-9887 (vibe), 881632727558 (satellite)
Eleuthera Administrator's Office - Rock Sound
Rock Sound
(242) 334-2034, (242) 225-3258 (vibe), 881632684336 (satellite)
Eleuthera Administrator's Office - Spanish Wells
Spanish Wells
(242) 333-4054/4409, 881632725539 (satellite)
Eleuthera Administrator's Office - Upper Bogue
Upper Bogue
(242) 335-1364, (242) 335-1255, 881632730186 (satellite)
Eleuthera Administrator's Office- Rock Sound Location Two
Rock Sound
Exuma and Black Point Ragged Island Administrator's Office-Black Point
Black Point
(242) 355-3020, (242) 225-4191 (vibe) 881632681162 (satellite)
Exuma and Black Point Ragged Island Administrator's Office-George Town
George Town
(242) 336-2166/7, (242) 336-4070, (242) 355-3020 (Black Point), (242) 225-4191 (vibe), 881632681162 (satellite)
Grand Bahama Administrator's Office - Eight Mile Rock
Eight Mile Rock
(242) 348-2877/8, (242) 225-9766 (vibe), 881632727580 (satellite)
Grand Bahama Administrator's Office - Freeport
(242) 352-2881, (242) 352-6332, (242) 352-9579, (242) 351-5225, (242) 255-8468 (vibe), 881632729629 (satellite)
Grand Bahama Administrator's Office - High Rock
High Rock
(242) 353-5313, (242) 353-4169, (242) 353-4069, (242) 225-7003 (vibe), 881632730219 (satellite)
Inagua Administrator's Office- Matthew Town
Matthew Town
(242) 339-1271, (242) 339-1521, (242) 225-3724 (vibe), 881632727642 (satellite)
Long Island Administrator's Office - Clarence Town
Clarence Town
(242) 337-3030/6, (242) 377-3206, (242) 225-4123 (vibe), (242) 255-1614 (vibe), 881632725568 (satellite)
Long Island Administrator's Office - Simms
(242) 338-8517, (242) 338-8518, (242) 225-2381 (vibe)
Mayaguana Administrator's Office - Abraham's Bay
Abraham's Bay
(242) 339-3100, (242) 339-3050, 225-2190 (vibe), 881632730179 (satellite)
Rum Cay Administrator's Office - Rum Cay
Rum Cay
(242) 331-2854
San Salvador Administrator's Office- Cockburn Town
Cockburn Town
(242) 331-2202, (242) 331-2040, (242) 225-9072 (vibe), 881632730133 (satellite)
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