Clothing Concession


  • Business License
  • Tax Compliance Certificate (TCC)
  • Pricing Analysis
  • Invoice(s)
  • Government issued ID e.g. Passport, N.I.B, Drivers Licence


FAQ & Answers


Q. Why do you need a Tax Compliance Certificate?
A. A Tax Compliance Certificate signifies that you are in compliance with all government TAXES.


Q. What are the requirements for Freeport Vendors?
A. The main Freeport requirements are Tax Compliance Certificate (TCC), Business Licence, Invoice(s) and Pricing Analysis.


Q. Am I able to upload multiple documents at a time? Why can’t it be open to load a many invoices to the application?
A. Click 2 Clear, will allow you to upload many documents to accompany your application.


Q. Can an approval be used for other items in the future?
A. The approval is valid for six (6) months ONLY.  So yes you can add items (it will be as a supplementary process) under the Click 2 Clear if it is a part of the shipment and not all the items were processed in the original approval.


Q. If I get an approval and inadvertently left out a few receipts, can my invoice(s) be added to my approval or do I have to submit another application?
A. No. you don’t have to submit a new application.  You can add your invoice(s) to your application, it will be supplementary to the original application.


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