Plans in the making for new Cabinet Office building
Authored by: Kathryn Campbell
Source: Bahamas Information Services
Date: October 21, 2020


A view of the Churchill Building, location of the Cabinet Office in Downtown, Bay Street. (BIS Photo/Patrick Hanna)


NASSAU, The Bahamas -- Preparations are afoot for a new Cabinet Office.  Prime Minister the Most Hon. Dr. Hubert Minnis announced that designs are in the making for a new Cabinet Office, which will remain on the existing site -- Rawson Square, Bay Street.


The Prime Minister made the announcement in a Communication to Parliament as he tabled the Economic Recovery Committee Report, Wednesday, October 21, 2020.


He said, “I am placing the Bahamian public on warning that the Cabinet office will be temporarily relocated. We are creating a design so that all would be able to see. This will be done by Bahamians so as to maximize and maintain our historical value. We will not compromise Rawson Square. In fact, we will create more space for them to have future events or any events.


“I want the Bahamian people to know that every time it rains Cabinet Office, not the [section] that Cabinet meetings are held but the floor that my office and the staff are located. Every time it rains that facility is a pond,” he said.


“We just repaired the roof last year but in spite of that the Cabinet office building is still a pond. There are serious challenges with that building.”


Prime Minister Minnis informed that the front section of the building, known as the Adderley Building, has not been in use for 20 plus years and has been condemned.


“Times are changing. I want the people to recognize that we do understand the history of the Cabinet Building/Adderley Building, but sometimes we must move on -- but we can still utilize the same location.”


The Cabinet Office will be temporarily relocated during the transition  period.

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