Bahamians of Note Receive National Honours
Authored by: Kathryn Campbell
Source: Bahamas Information Services
Date: November 19, 2020


NASSAU, The Bahamas – Governor General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Cornelius A. Smith conferred National Honours awards on ten outstanding Bahamians (three posthumously) for exceptional service and significant contribution to national development during the country’s 2020 Investiture ceremony.


The medals and insignias were presented in three separate ceremonies in the ballroom of Government House, Mount Fitzwilliam, Thursday, November 19. The event was previously scheduled for National Heroes Day in October but was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Mark Humes, Chairman, The Advisory Committee for National Honours and Member of Parliament; Commodore Raymond King, Royal Bahamas Defence Force; Commissioner Paul Rolle, Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF); Jack Thompson, Secretary to the Governor General; Sherrilyn Wallace, Deputy Permanent Secretary and family and friends of the honourees were among those who witnessed the ceremonies.


Entertainment was provided by Brandin Johnson, pianist; Lynden Sands, saxophonist and the RBPF Band.


On behalf of the Government and people of The Bahamas, the Most Hon. Dr. Hubert Minnis, Prime Minister, thanked the honourees for their service and love of country.


He said The Bahamas is fortunate that Sir Randol, the Hon. Paul Adderley, Sir Alvin Braynen and the Hon. J. Henry Bostwick helped to secure democracy and the rule of law in The Bahamas.


“Our greatest tribute to them is to follow their example in this and successive generations by safeguarding and upholding democratic values and norms.”


He said Sir Randol, Messrs. Adderley, Braynen and Bostwick lent their considerable talents, patriotic vigor and lifeblood to the liberation and development of the Bahamian people.


“Each, in his own way, was involved in the political and social struggle for equality and the advancement of a sovereign and free people. They were among that generation of Bahamians who gave fully of themselves in the promotion of the dignity of all Bahamians, regardless of creed or circumstance of birth.


“They did not simply debate the big questions of the day from the sidelines. They were not armchair critics who refused the call of history to make a difference and to make a vital contribution.


”All of these men read history and made history. These fine Bahamians entered the arena and helped to entrench a vibrant parliamentary democracy and two party system, which are among the pillars of our democratic heritage.”


Prime Minister Minnis noted that the three justices were honored as jurists and as women of integrity.


“We also honour them for their varied contributions to national life.


“Not so long ago, indeed during many of our lifetimes, there were few Bahamians as judges of the Supreme Court. Few women served as Supreme Court Justices.


It is worth celebrating and noteworthy that the Hon. Justices Hepburn, Thompson and Bain exemplify the quality of Bahamian jurists who have populated the Courts in an independent Bahamas,” he said.


Prime Minister Minnis pointed out that Dr. Allen, Mr. Crothers and Mrs. Woodside have each given a lifetime of service to The Bahamas in their respective fields of endeavor and through community service in general. He thanked them for their contributions.


The honorees were:


The Order of National Hero:

The Rt. Excellent Sir Randol Fawkes, N.H. (posthumously)


The Order of the Bahamas (Companion):

The Rt. Hon. Paul Adderley, C.B. (posthumously) 

The Rt. Hon. Sir Alvin Braynen, C.B. (posthumously) 

The Rt. Hon. John Henry Bostwick, C.B.


The Order of The Bahamas (Officers): 

The Hon. Justice Rhonda Bain, O.B. 

The Hon. Justice Claire Hepburn, O.B.

The Hon. Justice Jeanne Thompson, O.B.


The Order of Excellence:

His Excellency the Hon. Frank Crothers, O.E.


The Order of Distinction: 

Dr. David Allen, O.D.


The Order of Merit:

Mrs. Rozelda Woodside, O.M.


BIS Photos/Letisha Henderson

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