Fresh Creek Bridge Repairs
Authored by: Ministry of Public Works
Source: Ministry of Public Works
Date: October 8, 2020


The highly anticipated interim repairs to the Fresh Creek Bridge in Central Andros have officially commenced, with Ministry of Works’ officials estimating the repair works on the new structure to be completed by the end of the month.


Works Minister the Honourable T. Desmond Bannister said the Fresh Creek Bridge is a vital transport link as it provides the only crossing of the Fresh Creek waterway in Central Andros.  The existing bridge was damaged in August by a mail boat that broke free from its moorings in stormy weather.


“The bridge was known to be in a poor condition and the construction of a replacement is one of the priority capital works project for the Ministry of Public Works,” he said. “In March 2020 a contract was signed with a local Bahamian firm, Caribbean Coastal Services, to undertake the Engineering Studies and Design for the replacement of the Fresh Creek Bridge.”


“The Ministry of Public Works worked in conjunction with Caribbean Coastal Services and the contractor constructing the Staniard Creek Bridge to devise an urgent repair solution for the bridge. It is anticipated that the repair works will be completed by the end of October”.


Mangrove Cay and South Andros M. P. Picewell Forbes said he feels good about the progress being made in Andros.


“The people are grateful for the works being done on the bridge. I’m really grateful to the Minister. It’s been going well and it’s really good progress, almost seamless. I’m grateful that the operation of the temporary Ferry Service was given to a Family Island person as they tend not to get these opportunities, so I’m really grateful for it.”


Sandra Emmanuel, Andros Officer, said the repairs are a “blessing” for the residents and business owners in the community.


“Initially when the bridge was closed we were faced with some challenges. Residents wanted to know how they would be able to transport goods. But, repairs and progress are being made and the residents are happy. Some persons have mixed feelings because they can’t cross the bridge by foot because of the work that is going on,” she said.


“However, the majority of the people in the community are happy for the repairs that are going on. This is a blessing, as it relates to the AUTEC navy base, they always had an issue crossing the bridge because they didn’t know if the bridge would be able to sustain their heavy equipment and now that it is being repaired I’m hearing staff on the navy base are elated the bridge is being repaired.”


She added: “They can now transport their heavy equipment from the south to the north. If any person in the north have a fire AUTEC would be able to cross the bridge in a fire truck once the bridge is repaired. Before time they were unable to cross the bridge.”


Staniard Creek resident Ms. Kemp said she’s happy the bridge is being repaired and she can’t wait to see the finish product.


“I feel awesome because we needed the bridge repaired for a long time and we are finally getting some work done to it. It’s very rough because there a number of companies that can’t be easily accessed. We are using a barge that has a time schedule so it’ll be very convenient when the new bridge reopens.”



Photos: Robert Mouzas

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