Students representing 11 islands and 26 government and private schools participated in the 6th annual Bahamas Young Chef Culinary Conference at Choices Restaurant, UB. The theme for the 2-day conference: “Bahamian Culinary Arts: Sustainability Across Land and Sea”
Authored by: Bahamas Information Services
Source: Bahamas Information Services
Date: November 8, 2022

NASSAU, The Bahamas – Skilled industry experts and professional chefs enlightened students on Poultry Fabrication, Hot food Plating and Getting Ready for Culinary Competitions Monday, November 7, 2022 - the opening day of a Culinary Conference put on by The Department of Education, Mahatma Rice, Robin Hood Flour and the University of The Bahamas (UB).

Students representing 11 islands and 26 government and private  schools participated in the 6th annual Bahamas Young Chef Culinary Conference at Choices Restaurant, UB. The theme for the 2-day conference: “Bahamian Culinary Arts: Sustainability Across Land and Sea”.

Shacara Lightbourne, CEO, Island Foodology; Wilton McKenzie; Adelaide Quail Company; Chef Addiemae Farrington, UB Professor; and Chef Marquis Darling, Ministry of Tourism, Culinary Arts Department led Monday's inter-active sessions. The chefs and experts fielded questions from students and Family and Consumer Science teachers during the live-streamed sessions.

Raquel Turnquest, Education Officer, congratulated each student for making it to that point.

She said, “Getting to the national rounds takes a lot. From the district competitions, to school competitions, to research, reaching out to industry chefs all of that is not an easy feat. You are all winners for the mere fact that you are here and sitting in this room.”

She told the students that they will be exposed to a lot of information during the conference and urged them to “soak it up”.

Ms. Turnquest also thanked the industry partners for their participation in this year’s conference.

Mr. McKenzie wooed the students and their coaches with a lesson and demonstration on dispatching quails using both hand and scissors methods. Ms. Lightbourne led an informative discussion on food security which included: Pillars of food security, State of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food Production and Processing Chain in the Bahamas, Agri Eco-tourism and Strategies to reduce Dependency on Imported Produce. Chef Farrington shared her plating skills and styles in presenting the finished product.

All of the students will compete in the finals of the National Round of 2022 Bahamas Young Chef Junior and Senior Culinary Competitions [previously set for Wednesday, November 9 at AF Adderley Junior High School and Thursday, November 10, 2022 at Anatol Rodgers High]


A cross section of the audience in attention at the 6th annual Bahamas Young Chef Conference

Raquel Turnquest, Education Officer, is pictured speaking to the students at the Bahamas Young Chef Culinary Conference.




Quails were used in the demonstration on Poultry Fabrication by Wilton McKenzie.









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