Prime Minister Davis says he was in Botswana representing ‘not just The Bahamas but the spirit of unity and cooperation that transcends oceans’
Authored by: Bahamas Information Services
Source: Bahamas Information Services
Date: March 19, 2024

GABORONE, Botswana – During his Official Remarks at the Joint Press Conference with President Dr. Mokgweetsi Masisi of Botswana, on March 18, 2024, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance the Hon. Philip Davis said that it filled him “with immense joy and a deep sense of privilege” to be there among friends in the Republic of Botswana, representing “not just The Bahamas but the spirit of unity and cooperation that transcends oceans."

“I am here not solely in my capacity as Prime Minister, but as someone who deeply believes in the power of connection and the beauty of exchange,” Prime Minister Davis said during the event held in the Mass Media Complex, in Gaborone.  “I want to thank His Excellency Dr. Masisi and the People of the Republic of Botswana for their hospitality. Your invitation is a bridge being built between our nations, a gesture that signifies hope and the promise of mutual growth.”

He added:  “In Botswana, there’s a saying, ‘Motho ke motho ka batho,’ – let me translate – ‘I am because we are’.  This proverb resonates deeply with the Bahamian spirit, where community and shared progress form the cornerstone of our identity.  As today begins my official visit, I am reminded that this philosophy underpins our aspirations for being here: to strengthen the bonds that unite us and explore new territories of collaboration for the prosperity of our people.”

Prime Minister Davis noted that the two nations’ shared journey towards sustainable development, embracing technology, and addressing climate change was more than just a meeting of minds, as it was “a partnership of hearts, aiming to secure a brighter future for both our nations."

“We are here to listen, learn, and engage in dialogue that I believe will lead to paths of shared success and opportunities that our children will inherit and thank us for," he said.

Prime Minister Davis added that, recalling the visit of His Excellency to The Bahamas the year before, he was reminded of the “seeds of friendship” that were sown.

“That visit was a cornerstone moment, paving the way for the Memorandum of Understanding that has since blossomed into avenues of cooperation across diverse sectors,” he stated.  “During those precious moments of exchange, we realized the vast potential that lies in our partnership, a realization that today’s discussions will undoubtedly deepen.”

“My brother Masisi, your leadership has significantly influenced Botswana, navigating it through challenges with a focus on stability and progressive reforms,” Prime Minister Davis added.  “Balancing economic diversification with technological and environmental advancements, your tenure has shown a commitment to sustainable growth, resulting in an enhanced effort for Botswana’s global standing.”

Prime Minister Davis revealed that the bilateral meeting earlier that morning was fruitful and indicative of the vast potential the countries have for collaboration.  It was clear, he added, that The Bahamas and Botswana were on a path of “significant partnership, ready to explore and harness opportunities for our mutual benefit."

“I am excited to announce that The Bahamas is prepared to open doors for the people of Botswana to come and learn our approach, for example, to tourism and hospitality,” he said.  “This exchange will undoubtedly enrich both our countries, fostering growth and innovation.”

Prime Minister Davis added that, furthermore, The Bahamas remained committed to assisting the Central Bank of Botswana in the development of its digital currency.  That venture, he added, spoke to their shared vision of embracing technology for economic advancement.

“I believe, for example, that the island of Grand Bahama is poised to play an integral role in trade between the United States and Africa, bridging continents and cultures,” Prime Minister Davis noted.  “Similarly, we are also eager to explore programs akin to those we have with Ghana, focusing on the exchange of technical medical nurses and allied health professionals, which will enrich The Bahamas’ healthcare system with invaluable expertise and compassion.”

“Building on our signed Memorandum of Understanding, which has already opened doors to numerous opportunities for educational exchange, we are thrilled to further expand our partnership,” he added.  “The Government of The Bahamas is pleased to announce that our Bahamas [Ministry of ] Agriculture and Marine Resources will sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources.”

That collaboration will pave the way for groundbreaking research and development in both countries, Prime Minister Davis stated, leveraging their rich natural resources for sustainable progress.

“To His Excellency President Masisi and all the gracious people of Botswana, your warmth and generosity touch us deeply,” he said.  “We embark on these talks with the hope and determination to foster a relationship that, like the mighty baobab, will grow strong and enduring, offering shade and shelter to our generations yet to come.”

“I look forward to the days ahead and I am optimistic about the seeds of cooperation we are about to sow,” Prime Minister Davis added.  “Together, let us cultivate a garden of prosperity that will stand as a testament to the strength of our partnership.

“I want to thank you all for the warm welcome. Let’s make history together.”






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