Department of Transformation and Digitization

Tender Notice

Request for Expression of Interest - Implementation of E-Cabinet System
Published Date : August 2, 2019


The pdf version of this EOI can be downloaded by clicking here.


This notice is placed on behalf of The Cabinet Office to enable interested vendors who meet the stated and other criteria to determine their eligibility and to respond to this EOI by offering their products and or services under the requirements of this project.

Title of the EOI:

Implementation of E-Cabinet System

The vendor will be selected through the standard procurement processes of the Government of The Bahamas. This will include a shortlisting of the top three vendors, based on an evaluation of the EOI responses.


Presently, most of the processes within the Cabinet Office are completed manually. The Government is seeking to procure an E-Cabinet software application that will ensure the timely delivery of priorities in an efficient way, and allow proper collective consideration for policy decisions. Specific tasks include:

  1. Creating, submitting and managing Cabinet Memoranda
  2. Managing Immigration and NEC Memoranda
  3. Creating and managing the Cabinet Agenda
  4. Performing administrative functions necessary for Cabinet Meetings
  5. Documenting, distributing, and archiving Cabinet Conclusions and Extracts
  6. Documenting, distributing, and archiving Immigration Cabinet Conclusions and Extracts
  7. Documenting, distributing, and archiving NEC Conclusions and Extracts


In an effort to fulfil its mandate as stated in The Constitution, the Government of The Bahamas is seeking an E-Cabinet solution to:

  1. Innovatively streamline and automate the managerial operations of the Cabinet Office
  2. Implement advanced security features consistent with industry quality standards
  3. Provide mobile accessibility for Ministers, the Secretary to the Cabinet, Permanent Secretaries and other authorized users
  4. Improve collaboration between key stakeholders and authorized users
  5. Support the synergistic and efficient delivery of Government services


The Office of the Prime Minister is seeking the Expression of Interest of a Vendor to:

  1. Provide project management services based on Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBok), Scrum, or an equivalent PM standard
  2. Elicit and validate stakeholder requirements
  3. Develop and implement a process improvement plan including Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
  4. Develop and implement a Change Management Strategy
  5. Develop and implement a Training and Knowledge Transfer Strategy
  6. Provide the necessary hardware requirements (provision/acquisition of hardware is not included in this RFP)
  7. Develop, test, and implement a Disaster Recovery Plan
  8. Design, develop, test and deploy the e-Cabinet software application (with Mobile functionality)
  9. Integrate the e-Cabinet software application with the current DocuWare document management solution to allow the use of existing data
  10. Configure and implement the required hardware for multiple environments (Development, Test, Production, and Disaster Recovery)
  11. Conduct User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and Customer Acceptance Testing (CAT)
  12. Develop and produce manuals and tools (User and Operational)
  13. Transition from Project to Operationalization.


Vendor Qualifications:

  1. Eligible vendors should possess at least (8) years of experience in implementing electronic Cabinet solutions and must list no less than three (3) implementations.
  2. The joint abilities of the personnel assigned to the engagement should not be less than eight (8) years in Cabinet management information systems or similar systems as described above. Must be able to demonstrate use of technology to provide innovative solutions.
  3. Foreign companies must partner with a local company to submit an offer.
  4. Individuals to be assigned to the engagement must:
    1. Provide their Country of Citizenship
    2. List their academic and professional designations
    3. Identify their role(s) on this initiative
    4. Provide three (3) relevant professional Government implementations (include employer, agency, country, brief description, start and end dates, roles and responsibilities, accomplishments and deliverables). State which company or organization they were working for at the time.

Please note that the Government of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas has the authority to reject any and all submissions without an explanation.

Interested Companies should submit Expressions of Interest showing their ability to meet the objectives and characteristics of this engagement inclusive of a cover letter by 17:00 hours (EST) 14th August, 2019, via courier or E-Mail as follows:

Permanent Secretary
Department of Transformation and Digitization
Office of the Prime Minister
P. O. Box CB 10980
Nassau, The Bahamas
Telephone: 1 (242) 397-0050 / 702-5500 

Elise Delancy
Permanent Secretary

For Further information please contact:
  • Awarded Public Procurement Opportunities Report
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  • MOHW Consultancy Opportunity - Individual Consultancy to Update the COVID-19 Guidelines
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