A Permit is required for the importation of plants, plant products and other regulated articles. N.B. an import license (as it relates to quantity) is also required from Dept. of Agriculture.

  1. This includes but is not limited to cut flowers, tubers, cuttings, seeds, fruits, vegetables, wood and other materials of plant origin



Any person who is desirous of importing plants, plant products or other regulated articles, may make an application and pay the prescribed fee(s).



  1. Make an application to the Plant Protection Unit electronically or by visiting the office. This does not automatically guarantee the approval of permit however.
  2. Pay the prescribed fee.
  3. A Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) is conducted for New Products, New Market Access and whenever required, depending on the type of commodities, country of origin and pest of concern, before issuing any plant import permit for the purpose of preparing phytosanitary regulations and conditions for importation of plants, plant products and other regulated articles into the country.
  4. The import requirements will be sent to the National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) of the exporting country once the import permit is approved.
  5. A phytosanitary certificate must be issued prior to shipment of commodities by the (NPPO) of the exporting country and should accompany the consignment(s).
  6. Upon arrival at a designated Port of Entry in The Bahamas, all plants, plant products or other regulated articles shall be declared following verification of documents and inspection by a Plant Quarantine Officer or Authorized Officer and a Bahamas Customs Officer prior to release.


Application Form(s) 

A written application to obtain this Import Permit must be made on a form available electronically or from the BAHFSA office, prior to procuring the consignment of plants, plant products or other regulated articles for importation. Applications can be found at www.bahfsa.com .

Supporting Documents 

Supporting documents are listed on the import permit and can be accessed at www.bahfsa.com.

Turn-around time 
Provided all required supplementary documents are received and pest risk assessment is conducted, turnaround may be anywhere from 30 – 45 days.
within 15 days from initial consultation with client. Provided all required supplementary documents are received and pest risk assessment is conducted, turnaround may be anywhere from 30 – 45 days.
Related Fee(s) 

Plant Import Fee(s): $10 - individual $20 – commercial; Pest risk assessment $150.00. All fees are non-refundable



For more information please contact 

For more information you may contact 

The Bahamas Agricultural Health & Food Safety Authority (BAHFSA)
1000 The Source River Centre

Bacardi Road
P.O. Box
Nassau, New Providence
The Bahamas
Tel. (242) – 604-7000
Fax. (242) -
Email: bahfsa@bahamas.gov.bs

Website: www.bahfsa.com 
Opening hours: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday,

Complaints Process

1.If customer has a complaint, he/she should contact BAHFSA’s office at 604-7000 or email: bahfsa@bahamas.gov.bs


2. If customer is not satisfied with service or has a dispute he/she should contact the Executive Director’s Office at 604-7000 or email: christopherworrell@bahamas.gov.bs


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Agency Contact Info
Agriculture and Marine Resources, Ministry of

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