Office of the Prime Minister

Tender Notice

EOI - Government Digital Transformation to Strengthen Competitiveness (Consulting Services)
Published Date : November 19, 2020

Government Digital Transformation to Strengthen Competitiveness
Country: The Commonwealth of The Bahamas
Supporting Institution: Inter-American Development Bank
Programme: Government Digital Transformation to Strengthen Competitiveness
Project Number: BH-L1045
Loan Number: LO-4549 / OC-BH
Sector: Reform / Modernization of the State     
Sub-Sector: E-Government
We are seeking the services of a suitably qualified consulting firm to develop an implementation framework and methodology, as well as conduct, analyze results of, and report on an ‘Annual Survey on Digital Government for Competitiveness’.
Deadline: 07 December, 2020


The Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas has received financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), toward the cost of the Government Digital Transformation to Strengthen Competitiveness Programme and intends to apply part of the proceeds for the above-referenced consulting services. The consulting services (“the Services”) will be to design and implement a nationally representative survey that will have two questionnaires.  They will include: 1) A business questionnaire to examine characterization of businesses; likelihood of digital uptake; perception of government data; and ease of doing business; and, 2) A government service user questionnaire to examine perception of government services, availability, utilization frequency, and customer satisfaction.  The sampling methodology will be a stratified random sample, and cross sectional (The survey will be repeated annually over a period of five years.  Re-engagement will be based on an annual satisfactory review).  The following are the key activities of the engagement:

  1. Provide the sampling framework and methodology
  2. Develop and conduct the online ‘Annual Survey on Digital Government for Competitiveness’
  3. Perform a pre-test to refine the questionnaires
  4. Collect, store and make available respondent feedback microdata
  5. Prepare data for analysis and implement quality control processes to ensure data consistency
  6. Develop and submit a results and analysis report.

Please refer to IADB.ORG for further information on the loan.


Firm experience and competencies desired include:

  1. Expertise in conducting statistical research projects
  2. Expertise in administering online surveys
  3. Proven capacity to work with a broad range of partners, including statistical experts, government bodies, non-government organizations and academia in the Caribbean.

The Office of The Prime Minister now invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.  Consultants will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the Inter-American Development Bank: Policies for the Selection and Contracting of Consultants financed by the Inter-American Development Bank GN-2350-15 and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the policies.


Consultants may associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture or a sub-consultancy to enhance their qualifications. For the purpose of establishing the short list, the nationality of a firm is that of the country in which it is legally incorporated or constituted and in the case of Joint Venture, the nationality of the firm appointed to represent it.  A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in the Consultant Policies.  The EOI responses will be evaluated and the top five (5) firms will advance and receive copies of the RFP.


Further information, i.e. questions or clarifications may be obtained from The Procurement Specialist of the Digitization and Transformation Project Execution Unit at DTUPROCUREMENT@BAHAMAS.GOV.BS on or before the 23rd November, 2020.


Expressions of interest must be submitted in a written form, directly addressed to the below via email to DTUPROCUREMENT@BAHAMAS.GOV.BS on or before 5:00pm on 7th December, 2020. LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.


ATTENTION: The Permanent Secretary, Department of Transformation and Digitization, Office of the Prime Minister, Cecil Wallace-Whitfield Centre, West Bay Street, MARKED FOR: Annual Survey on Digital Government for Competitiveness’.

For Further information please contact:
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